Vanilla forums 2.6.3 persistent crosssite scripting Vulnerability / Exploit

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Exploits / Vulnerability Discovered : 2020-02-11 | Type : webapps | Platform : php
This exploit / vulnerability Vanilla forums 2.6.3 persistent crosssite scripting is for educational purposes only and if it is used you will do on your own risk!

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# Exploit Title: Vanilla Forums 2.6.3 - Persistent Cross-Site Scripting
# Google Dork: N/A
# Date: 2020-02-10
# Exploit Author: Sayak Naskar
# Vendor Homepage:
# Version: 2.6.3
# Tested on: Windows, Linux
# CVE : CVE-2020-8825

A Stored xss was found in Vanillaforum 2.6.3 .


# Proof of Concept:

An attacker will insert a payload on branding section. So, whenever an user will open the branding section then attacker automatically get all sensitive information of the user.