Exploits / Vulnerability Discovered : 2019-12-06 |
Type : local |
Platform : windows
This exploit / vulnerability Trend micro deep security agent 11 arbitrary file overwrite is for educational purposes only and if it is used you will do on your own risk!
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# Exploit Title: Trend Micro Deep Security Agent 11 - Arbitrary File Overwrite
# Exploit Author : Peter Lapp
# Exploit Date: 2019-12-05
# Vendor Homepage : https://www.trendmicro.com/en_us/business.html
# Link Software : https://help.deepsecurity.trendmicro.com/software.html?regs=NABU&prodid=1716
# Tested on OS: v11.0.582 and v10.0.3186 on Windows Server 2012 R2, 2008R2, and 7 Enterprise.
# CVE: 2019-15627
# CVE-2019-15627 - Trend Micro Deep Security Agent Local File Overwrite Exploit by Peter Lapp (lappsec)
# This script uses the symboliclink-testing-tools project, written by James Forshaw ( https://github.com/googleprojectzero/symboliclink-testing-tools )
# The vulnerability allows an unprivileged local attacker to delete any file on the filesystem, or overwrite it with abritrary data hosted elsewhere (with limitations)
# This particular script will attempt to overwrite the file dsa_control.cmd with arbitrary data hosted on an external web server, partly disabling TMDS,
# even when agent self-protection is turned on. It can also be modified/simplified to simply delete the target file, if desired.
# When TMDS examines javascript it writes snippets of it to a temporary file, which is locked and then deleted almost immediately.
# The names of the temp files are sometimes reused, which allows us to predict the filename and redirect to another file.
# While examining the JS, it generally strips off the first 4096 bytes or so, replaces those with spaces, converts the rest to lowercase and writes it to the temp file.
# So the attacker can host a "malicious" page that starts with the normal html and script tags, then fill the rest of the ~4096 bytes with garbage,
# then the payload to be written, then a few hundred trailing spaces (not sure why, but they are needed). The resulting temp file will start with 4096 spaces,
# and then the lowercase payload. Obviously this has some limitations, like not being able to write binaries, but there are plenty of config files that
# are ripe for the writing that can then point to a malicious binary.
# Usage:
# 1. First you'd need to host your malicious file somewhere. If you just want to delete the target file or overwrite it with garbage, skip this part.
# 2. Open a browser (preferrably IE) and start the script
# 3. Browse to your malicious page (if just deleting the target file, browse to any page with javascript).
# 4. Keep refreshing the page until you see the script create the target file overwritten.
# It's a pretty dumb/simple script and won't work every time, so if it doesn't work just run it again. Or write a more reliable exploit.
import time
import os
import subprocess
import sys
import webbrowser
from watchdog.observers import Observer
from watchdog.events import FileSystemEventHandler