Touchpad / trivum webtouch setup 2.53 build 13163 authentication bypass Vulnerability / Exploit

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Exploits / Vulnerability Discovered : 2018-07-20 | Type : webapps | Platform : hardware
This exploit / vulnerability Touchpad / trivum webtouch setup 2.53 build 13163 authentication bypass is for educational purposes only and if it is used you will do on your own risk!

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# Exploit Title: Touchpad / Trivum WebTouch Setup V9 V2.53 build 13163 - Unauthorized Authentication Reset

# Date: 2018-07-20

# Software Link:

# Version: < 2.56 build 13381 - 12-07-2018

# Category: webapps

# Tested on:

Touchpad / Trivum WebTouch Setup V9 V2.53 build 13163 of Apr 6 2018 09:10:14 (FW 303)

# Exploit Author: vulnc0d3

# Contact:

# CVE: CVE-2018-13862

1. Description

Touchpad / Trivum WebTouch Setup V9 V2.53 build 13163 of Apr 6 2018 09:10:14 (FW 303) before 2.56 build 13381 - 12.07.2018, allow unauthorized remote attackers to reset the authentication via "/xml/system/setAttribute.xml" URL, using GET request to the end-point "?id=0&attr=protectAccess&newValue=0" (successful attack will allow attackers to login without authorization).

2. Proof of Concept

# GET Request


3. Vendor Changes Log

# Exploit Title: Touchpad / Trivum WebTouch Setup V9 V2.53 build 13163 - Unauthorized Authentication Reset

# Date: 2018-07-20

# Software Link:

# Version: < 2.56 build 13381 - 12-07-2018

# Category: webapps

# Tested on:

Touchpad / Trivum WebTouch Setup V9 V2.53 build 13163 of Apr 6 2018 09:10:14 (FW 303)

# Exploit Author: vulnc0d3

# Contact:

# CVE: CVE-2018-13862

1. Description

Touchpad / Trivum WebTouch Setup V9 V2.53 build 13163 of Apr 6 2018 09:10:14 (FW 303) before 2.56 build 13381 - 12.07.2018, allow unauthorized remote attackers to reset the authentication via "/xml/system/setAttribute.xml" URL, using GET request to the end-point "?id=0&attr=protectAccess&newValue=0" (successful attack will allow attackers to login without authorization).

2. Proof of Concept

# GET Request


3. Vendor Changes Log
