Exploits / Vulnerability Discovered : 2020-05-26 |
Type : local |
Platform : windows
This exploit / vulnerability Streamripper32 2.6 buffer overflow (poc) is for educational purposes only and if it is used you will do on your own risk!
[+] Code ...
# Exploit Title: StreamRipper32 2.6 - Buffer Overflow (PoC)
# Date: 2020-05-14
# Exploit Author: Andy Bowden
# Tested On: Win10 x64
# Download Link: http://streamripper.sourceforge.net/sr32/StreamRipper32_2_6.exe
# Vendor Page: http://streamripper.sourceforge.net/
# Version: 2.6
# Steps To Reproduce: Double click on "Add" in the"Station/Song Section" and paste the output in "SongPattern"