Exploits / Vulnerability Discovered : 2020-05-05 |
Type : webapps |
Platform : php
This exploit / vulnerability Simplephpgal 0.7 remote file inclusion is for educational purposes only and if it is used you will do on your own risk!
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# Title: SimplePHPGal 0.7 - Remote File Inclusion
# Author: h4shur
# date:2020-05-05
# Vendor Homepage: https://johncaruso.ca
# Software Link: https://johncaruso.ca/phpGallery/
# Software Link: https://sourceforge.net/projects/simplephpgal/
# Tested on: Windows 10 & Google Chrome
# Category : Web Application Bugs
# Dork : intext:"Created with Simple PHP Photo Gallery"
intext:"Created by John Caruso"
### Note:
* Another web application bug is the RFI bug, which can be very dangerous
And stands for Remote File Inclusion, which directly executes loose scripts on the server
Also, this security hole is created by programmer errors
And you must be fluent in programming language to secure and prevent this bug
And you have to control the inputs of the application and use powerful firewalls
* This bug is one of the most dangerous bugs and the access that the intruder can gain using this bug is the implementation of Shell script
In fact, by running Shell script, it will have relatively complete access to the Target site server
If we want to explain it in text, the hacker will execute the shell by giving a link from Shell script in txt format to the input of the vulnerable site.
* what's the solution ?
Check the file entered by the user from a list and enter it if the file was in the list. Example :
if(in_array($_GET['file'], $files)){
include ($_GET['file']);
* If you are a server administrator, turn off allow_url_fopen from the file.
* Or do it with the ini_set command. Only for (RFI)
ini_set('allow_url_fopen ', 'Off');
* We can use the strpos command to check that if the address is: // http, the file will not be enclosed (it can only block RFI)
$strpos = strpos($_GET['url'],'http://');
* Using str_replace we can give the given address from two characters "/", "." Let's clean up.
$url = str_replace("/", "", $url);
$url = str_replace(".", "", $url);