Exploits / Vulnerability Discovered : 2019-01-07 |
Type : webapps |
Platform : php
This exploit / vulnerability Roxy fileman 1.4.5 unrestricted file upload / directory traversal is for educational purposes only and if it is used you will do on your own risk!
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Exploit Title:: Multiple Vulnerabilities
Software: Roxy Fileman
Version: 1.4.5
Vendor Homepage: http://www.roxyfileman.com/
Software Link: http://www.roxyfileman.com/download.php?f=1.4.5-php
CVE number: CVE-2018-20525, CVE-2018-20526
Found: 2018-12-07
Tested on: PHP 7.0, Ubuntu 16.04 LTS
Author: Pongtorn Angsuchotmetee, Vittawat Masaree
SnoopBees Lab
Roxy Fileman is free open source file browser for .NET and PHP, ready for
use with CKEditor and TinyMCE WYSIWYG html editors. It could be easily
integrated into a CMS or any other web application. Fileman is based on
JQuery and JQueryUI libraries and it's compatible with all modern browsers
- Internet Explorer, Firefox, Google Chrome, Safary and Opera.
Roxy Fileman is designed to be as flexible as possible. The client
interface is completely separated from the server-side logic and scripts,
thus can be used with any server programming language - PHP, ASP .NET,
Python, Cold Fusion etc. All data exchanged including configuration and
language files is in light weight JSON format. Great performance - all data
from the server is loaded using Ajax without page reloading. Fileman has
ready to use distributions for PHP and .NET. All client-server
communications and configuration files are in JSON format and are language
independent. See custom server side scripts.
Ref: http://www.roxyfileman.com/
Proof of Concept
1) Path Traversal (CVE-2018-20525)
The vulnerability affected file “copydir.php", “copyfile.php",
“fileslist.php". It is we can manipulating variables that reference files
with “dot-dot-slash (../)” to access arbitrary files and directories
access on file system. After copied the system file will appear on Roxy
file manager “http://[IP-Address]/fileman/Uploads".
2) Unrestricted File Upload (CVE-2018-20526)
The vulnerability affected file upload.php and in the condition that the
php.ini file need have add the “*AddHandler php7-script .php*”. And now we
can upload the shell code file to the server by double extension such
as *shellcode.php.png
2018-12-07: Discovered the bug
2018-12-11: Reported to vendor (The vendor is unresponsive)
2018-12-19: Reported to vendor (The vendor is unresponsive)
2018-12-27: Request CVE
2019-01-03: Advisory published