Qnap photo station 5.7.0 crosssite scripting Vulnerability / Exploit

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Exploits / Vulnerability Discovered : 2018-09-07 | Type : webapps | Platform : hardware
This exploit / vulnerability Qnap photo station 5.7.0 crosssite scripting is for educational purposes only and if it is used you will do on your own risk!

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# Exploit Title: QNAP Photo Station 5.7.0 - Cross-Site Scripting
# Google Dork: N/A
# Date: 2018-09-07
# Exploit Author: Mitsuaki (Mitch) Shiraishi - secureworks
# Vendor Homepage: https://www.qnap.com/ja-jp/security-advisory/nas-201808-23
# Software Link: N/A
# Version: QNAP Photo Station versions 5.7.0 and earlier
# Tested on: N/A
# CVE : CVE-2018-0715

# PoC:
