Microsoft windows nt!ntqueryvirtualmemory (memoryimageinformation) kernel 64bit stack memory disclosure Vulnerability / Exploit
Exploits / Vulnerability Discovered : 2018-04-16 |
Type : dos |
Platform : windows
This exploit / vulnerability Microsoft windows nt!ntqueryvirtualmemory (memoryimageinformation) kernel 64bit stack memory disclosure is for educational purposes only and if it is used you will do on your own risk!
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We have discovered that the nt!NtQueryVirtualMemory system call invoked with the MemoryImageInformation (0x6) information class discloses uninitialized kernel stack memory to user-mode clients. The vulnerability affects 64-bit versions of Windows 8 to 10.
The layout of the corresponding output buffer is unknown to us; however, we have determined that an output size of 24 bytes is accepted. At the end of that memory area, 4 uninitialized bytes from the kernel stack can be leaked to the client application.
The attached proof-of-concept program demonstrates the disclosure by spraying the kernel stack with a large number of 0x41 ('A') marker bytes, and then calling the affected system call with the MemoryImageInformation info class and the allowed output size. An example output is as follows:
It is clearly visible here that the 4 trailing bytes copied from ring-0 to ring-3 remained uninitialized. Repeatedly triggering the vulnerability could allow local authenticated attackers to defeat certain exploit mitigations (kernel ASLR) or read other secrets stored in the kernel address space.