Microsoft windows nt!ntqueryinformationtransactionmanager (transactionmanagerrecoveryinformation) kernel pool memory disclosure Vulnerability / Exploit
Exploits / Vulnerability Discovered : 2018-04-16 |
Type : dos |
Platform : windows
This exploit / vulnerability Microsoft windows nt!ntqueryinformationtransactionmanager (transactionmanagerrecoveryinformation) kernel pool memory disclosure is for educational purposes only and if it is used you will do on your own risk!
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We have discovered that the nt!NtQueryInformationTransactionManager system call invoked with the TransactionManagerRecoveryInformation (4) information class may disclose uninitialized kernel pool memory to user-mode clients. The vulnerability affects Windows 7 to 10, 32/64-bit.
The output structure for the infoclass in question is an 8-byte TRANSACTIONMANAGER_RECOVERY_INFORMATION:
We've observed the entire returned value to consist of uninitialized bytes originating from a kernel pool allocation, and more specifically an object of type TmTransactionManagerObjectType.
The issue can be reproduced by running the attached proof-of-concept program on a system with the Special Pools mechanism enabled for ntoskrnl.exe. Then, it is clearly visible that all 8 bytes of output are equal to the markers inserted by Special Pools, and would otherwise contain leftover data that was previously stored in that memory region:
Repeatedly triggering the vulnerability could allow local authenticated attackers to defeat certain exploit mitigations (kernel ASLR) or read other secrets stored in the kernel address space.
Microsoft windows nt!ntqueryinformationtransactionmanager (transactionmanagerrecoveryinformation) kernel pool memory disclosure Vulnerability / Exploit