Microsoft windows kernel nt!kidispatchexception 64bit stack memory disclosure Vulnerability / Exploit
Exploits / Vulnerability Discovered : 2018-03-20 |
Type : dos |
Platform : windows_x86-64
This exploit / vulnerability Microsoft windows kernel nt!kidispatchexception 64bit stack memory disclosure is for educational purposes only and if it is used you will do on your own risk!
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We have discovered a new Windows kernel memory disclosure vulnerability in the creation and copying of a EXCEPTION_RECORD structure to user-mode memory while passing execution to a user-mode exception handler. The vulnerability affects 64-bit versions of Windows 7 to 10.
The leak was originally detected under the following stack trace (Windows 7):
In that structure, the entire "ExceptionInformation" array consisting of 15*8=120 bytes is left uninitialized and provided this way to the ring-3 client. The overall EXCEPTION_RECORD structure (which contains the ExceptionInformation in question) is allocated in the stack frame of the nt!KiRaiseException function.
Based on some cursory code analysis and manual experimentation, we believe that the kernel only fills as many ULONG_PTR's as the .NumberParameters field is set to (but not more than EXCEPTION_MAXIMUM_PARAMETERS), while the remaining entries of the array are never written to. As a result, running the attached proof-of-concept program reveals 120 bytes of kernel stack memory (set to the 0x41 marker with stack-spraying to illustrate the problem). An example output is as follows:
If we replace the stack-spraying function call in the code with a printf() call, we can immediately spot a number of kernel-mode addresses in the output dump: