Idoit 1.12 qr.php crosssite scripting Vulnerability / Exploit

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Exploits / Vulnerability Discovered : 2019-03-28 | Type : webapps | Platform : php
This exploit / vulnerability Idoit 1.12 qr.php crosssite scripting is for educational purposes only and if it is used you will do on your own risk!

[+] Code ...

# Exploit Title: i-doit 1.12 Cross Site Scripting on qr.php file
# Date: 28-03-2019
# Software Link:
# Version: 1.12
# Exploit Author: BlackFog Team
# Contact:
# Website:
# Category: webapps
# Tested on: Firefox in Kali Linux.
# CVE: CVE-2019-6965

Vendor Description
i-doit offers you a professional IT-documentation solution based on ITIL
guidelines. You can document IT systems and their changes, define emergency
plans, display vital information and ensure a stable and efficient
operation of IT networks.

Attack Type
Reflected Cross Site Scripting on qr.php file in URL perameter reported By
Touhid M.Shaikh(@touhidshaikh22).

Proof of Concept

Vulnerable Code.
---------------------------------- qr.php Source Code

..................................... SNIP
$l_url = @$_GET['url']; <--- Vulnerable

..................................... SNIP

<img id="code" src="<?php echo $l_url; ?>images/ajax-loading.gif"
alt="Error loading the QR Code" /> <--- Display Here without any

------------------------------qr.php Source Code ends

Update to latest

10 Jan, 2018 === Update to Customer
11 Jan, 2018 === Got Mail to Trigger the issue and we are able to repoduce
the same.
15 Jan, 2018 === Provided Hotfix.
17 Jan, 2018 === Got Thanks for responsible disclosure and agree to publish
on public.