Exploits / Vulnerability Discovered : 2022-03-22 |
Type : remote |
Platform : hardware
This exploit / vulnerability Ict protege gx/wx 2.08 stored crosssite scripting (xss) is for educational purposes only and if it is used you will do on your own risk!
Summary: Protege GX is an enterprise level integrated access control, intrusion
detection and building automation solution with a feature set that is easy to
operate, simple to integrate and effortless to extend. Protege WX is an all-in-one,
web-based, cross-platform system that gives you a fully functional access control
and intrusion detection solution in a fraction of the time of conventional software.
With no software to install, setup is quick and simple. Connect the Controller and
system components, then open a web browser to launch the intuitive wizard-driven
interface which guides you through the process of configuring your system.
Desc: The application suffers from an authenticated stored XSS vulnerability.
The issue is triggered when input passed to the 'Name' parameter is not properly
sanitized before being returned to the user. This can be exploited to execute
arbitrary HTML and script code in a user's browser session in context of an
affected site.
Tested on: Microsoft-WinCE/6.00
Vulnerability discovered by Gjoko 'LiquidWorm' Krstic
From console:
> localStorage.getItem("WXKey")
< '8EDB22D9FB767538'
function encryptAES(a, c) {
a = a.toString();
a = unescape(encodeURIComponent(a));
"undefined" == typeof c && (c = !0);
if (0 == servertype)
return a;
var b = localStorage.getItem("WXKey");
if ("" == b || null == b)
return a;
for (var d = "", e = 0; 16 > e; e++)
d += String.fromCharCode(Math.floor(75 * Math.random() + 48));
a = d + mcrypt.Encrypt(addPKCS7(a), d, b, "rijndael-128", "cbc");
return a = c ? getCookie("SESSID") + strToHex(a) : strToHex(a)
function decryptAES(a) {
if (null == a)
return "";
a = a.toString();
if ("<invalid session> < Packet not Init and not encrypted. >" == a)
a = 0 == servertype ? "login.php" : "login.htm",
window.location = a + "?" + Math.random().toString(16).substring(2, 8).toLowerCase();
else if ("<invalid session>" == a.substr(0, 17))
a = 0 == servertype ? "login.php?logout" : "login.htm?logout",
window.location = a + "?" + Math.random().toString(16).substring(2, 8).toLowerCase();
else {
if (0 == servertype)
return a;
var c = localStorage.getItem("WXKey");
if ("" == c)
return a;
a = hexToStr(a);
var b = a.substr(0, 16);
a = a.substr(16, a.length);
a = mcrypt.Decrypt(a, b, c, "rijndael-128", "cbc").replace(/\x00+$/g, "");
a = removePKCS7(a);
return a = decodeURIComponent(escape(a))