Google chrome < m73 filesystemoperationrunner useafterfree Vulnerability / Exploit
Exploits / Vulnerability Discovered : 2019-03-19 |
Type : dos |
Platform : multiple
This exploit / vulnerability Google chrome < m73 filesystemoperationrunner useafterfree is for educational purposes only and if it is used you will do on your own risk!
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There's a comment in FileSystemOperationRunner::BeginOperation
OperationID FileSystemOperationRunner::BeginOperation(
std::unique_ptr<FileSystemOperation> operation) {
OperationID id = next_operation_id_++;
// TODO( Diagnostic to determine whether OperationID
// wrap-around is occurring in the wild.
DCHECK(operations_.find(id) == operations_.end());
// ! If id already in operations_, this will free operation
operations_.emplace(id, std::move(operation));
return id;
The id is an int, and it can wrap, and if it does this will cause a use-after-free in the browser process, since the normal usage of BeginOperation is the following:
OperationID FileSystemOperationRunner::Truncate(const FileSystemURL& url,
int64_t length,
StatusCallback callback) {
base::File::Error error = base::File::FILE_OK;
std::unique_ptr<FileSystemOperation> operation = base::WrapUnique(
file_system_context_->CreateFileSystemOperation(url, &error));
// ! take a raw pointer to the contents of the unique_ptr
FileSystemOperation* operation_raw = operation.get();
// ! call BeginOperation passing the move'd unique_ptr, freeing operation
OperationID id = BeginOperation(std::move(operation));
base::AutoReset<bool> beginning(&is_beginning_operation_, true);
if (!operation_raw) {
DidFinish(id, std::move(callback), error);
return id;
PrepareForWrite(id, url);
// ! use the raw free'd pointer here.
operation_raw->Truncate(url, length,
weak_ptr_, id, std::move(callback)));
return id;
I think that to trigger this, you'd need either a malformed blob in the blob registry, or access to the FileWriter api, so at present this would require a compromised renderer.
I've attached two PoCs that should trigger this issue; it looks like the runtime for either approach from javascript should take ~2 days on my machine. (I'd suggest patching the OperationId typedef to short to reproduce, unless you are extremely patient).